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Saturday, July 04, 2020

“This Is Not a Victory. The Fight to Defund Policing Continues” – Idiot AOC Blasts NY City Officials After They Fail to Disband Police

This is your future under Democrat control — No cops.

Democrat Party leader Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez blasted the New York City Council after they failed to abolish the police.
AOC is the thought leader in the party.

Democrats have gone from being elitist idiots to dangerous lunatics.

The Indy Star reported:

As calls to defund the police grow louder around the country, New York City officials agreed on a budget that shifts roughly $1 billion from the police department, but advocates and lawmakers say the change doesn’t go far enough.

The city council said in a statement Tuesday that the city’s 2021 budget, totaling more than $88 billion, “reduces police spending and shrinks NYPD’s footprint.” The cuts came as the city is grappling with losing $9 billion in revenue amid the coronavirus pandemic.



  1. Silly liberal don't know squat about jack

  2. This goes to show you when you elect ANARCHIST to Congress we have no way to get rid of them until their term is up and they don't get re-elected. This is the power we have allowed Congress to have by passing laws that protect them form being fired while destroying our Constitution.

    Congress should never have been allowed to vote in protections which makes them "GODS" of our government, which gives them the power to vote in their wages and benefits, which allows them to pass trash BILLS instead of simple straight clean BILLS.

    We the People need to take these powers away from them and take control of our Democracy. We need to start by making their pensions and benefits cut by 50%, make term limits without retirement and ridiculous benefits, cut out kickbacks and benefits from lobbyist, cut their office budget and travel expenses must I go on?

  3. Having a bowel movement does not mean supporting AOC. A bowel movement provides some relieve. An AOC movement provides only for giving more free stuff to leeches.

  4. I would advise any living in New York to get the heck out. If you can't sell your property you should take the loss and go without selling. That property is not worth your life. Can you imagine New York with no police. I have only been there twice. Once when I was little with my grandmother and the second time about 10 years ago by accident. Who would know that I-95 would go into New York or close enough to freak me out. It went over the George Washington Bridge and then through some neighborhood. I was actually going to Maine and on the way back I came a different way simply to further avoid New York. Have absolutely NO desire to ever go there.

  5. As entertaining as AOC's drooling-vegetable idiocy tends to be, she's much worse than simply stupid (stupid enough to run for congress because bartending was too intellectual for her); she's an evil, malicious, spidery lifeform which scuttled out of some Freudian nightmare. Jesus, that lump of Congressional fecal matter is disgusting.

  6. Why isn't she being charged and in jail for breaking the law. No excuse, just cowardice.

  7. AOC is repeating what Barry Obama wants her to say


  8. A safe bet is that if NYC defunds the cops she'll have her own brown shirts for muscle and personal protection; all the Dems will. And they'll be carrying.

  9. Defunding the police doesn’t mean eradicate the country of law enforcement idiots. It means dismantle and start over. Camden, NJ is a perfect example of getting rid of a corrupt police force and rebuilding a department that has gained the trust of the community. As a result crime has decreased. Research before you spew this brainwashed nonsense. Stop voting based on your feelings and ignorance and vote based on facts and numbers.

  10. Criminals do not obey the law, thus do not respect those who enforce the law, whether in Camden, NJ or anywhere else. The majority of those calling for defunding the police are criminals, pure and simple. The rest are leftist liberals.


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