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Monday, July 20, 2020

The Worst Outbreaks in U.S. History

An epidemic is definedTrusted Source by the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a sudden increase in the number of cases of an infectious disease within a community or geographic area during a specific time period.

A spike in the number of cases of the same illness in an area beyond what health officials expect to see is an outbreak. The terms may be used interchangeably, though epidemics are often considered more widespread.

Over the years, many outbreaks of infectious diseases have occurred and spread across the United States.

1633-1634: Smallpox from European settlers

Smallpox came to North America in the 1600s. Symptoms included high fever, chills, severe back pain, and rashes. It began in the Northeast and the Native American population was ravaged by it as it spread to the west.

In 1721, more than 6,000 cases were reported out of a Boston population of 11,000. Around 850 people died from the disease.

In 1770, Edward Jenner developed a vaccine from cow pox. It helps the body become immune to smallpox without causing the disease.

Now: After a large vaccination initiative in 1972, smallpox is gone from the United States. In fact, vaccines are no longer necessary.

1793: Yellow fever from the Caribbean

One humid summer, refugees fleeing a yellow fever epidemic in the Caribbean Islands sailed into Philadelphia, carrying the virus with them.



  1. Will you stop already?? You see all the clowns protesting. You see all the clowns out and about not wearing masks or distance themselves. We have FOOL'S in this country and they are to blame.

  2. We are right now at this moment witnessing:

    "The Worst Outbreaks in U.S. History"
    And it is NOT A VIRUS!

    It is socialist scum taking over the greatest nation ever to exist.

    DO NOT LET THESE MF's get away with it!

    Fight back!

    Vote Trump!!!

    1. Trump or Alfred E. Neumann? The later would probably be a more honest, capable leader.

    2. Vote Trump 2020.....so he can investigateJuly 21, 2020 at 6:14 PM


      This Virus has targeted the Elderly...

      that's who in large numbers vote for President Trump.

      You evil Democrats will do anything for money and power.

  3. We don't like clowns.

  4. 12:34 NO but you love slaves!!! And being one!!!!

  5. The Worst Outbreak in America is the Traitor Democrats & their Radical
    LEFT !!!!

    We Real Americans will kick their asses 2020 !!!! Clean up the Swamp !!

  6. It's a virus NOT a disease

  7. 7:15

    So you want Chelsea Clinton as leader?


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