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Saturday, July 11, 2020

'The country is not going to survive': Mark Levin reacts to jaw-dropping Campus Reform video

College students had no clue what YEAR our country declared its independence

On "LevinTV" this week, host Mark Levin reacted to a Campus Reformvideo in which students fail spectacularly to answer some of the most basic questions about America's founding, such as what year our country declared independence, which nation we declared independence from, and what war was fought for American independence.

While most of the students couldn't even come close to answering these questions, they were quick to assert that America is a racist country "built off of slavery."

"This will frighten you," Levin said of the video. "They [students] know a whole lot about so-called systemic racism, so-called systemic inequality, so-called systemic injustice. They know about all the warts and vices in our past, but they won't know about the greatness of the country because they're not taught about [that]."

Levin noted how much the average American pays through taxes for the public school systems, which have been nationalized by "har-core left-wing Democrat operations" such as the National Education Association and the American Federation of Teachers, while parents often have absolutely no insight into or say about what is taught in our country's classrooms.



  1. Good. Let the country die. Let the economy collapse. Let the the weak minded die of starvation like they deserve.

  2. STOP giving these morons taxpayer money. Like anything else in this world. STOP the money?? STOP the problem.

  3. STOP giving these morons taxpayer money. Like anything else in this world. STOP the money?? STOP the problem. It's pretty bad that we support these TRAITORS.

  4. This country is headed for a break up of the "United" parts. Within 10 years, at the rate things are going. Might want to start thinking about which part you might have the best chance to survive in. The USSR saw their military in a shamble after their break-up. Will we see the same here? Look for the enemi9es of democracy in the world run wild with no one to stop them.

  5. Perhaps a suggestion might be to transfer these kids to China so they can spend a year or so in "re-education camps".

  6. Ignoring the past is foolish. Erasing the past is insanity.

  7. WTF! Two of the people interviewed said they were social studies teachers and did not know that our country declared independence in 1776! WTF! WTF! WTF! I love history and though it is such a broad area that it is impossible to know everything because there is history in EVERYTHING (technology, fashion, military, medicine...I actually challenge people to come up with one area that does not have historical significance) I certainly know the years and info that are most important. Even if you can't remember specific dates of some events (like dates of specific battles in a war) knowing the general time periods of decades and their order of how one leads to another is still a good thing.

  8. Cannot be said any better or more truthfully.

  9. Like a chain is only as strong as it's weakest link, a student is only as smart as it's dumbest teacher.

    1. That is not entirely true. If a child has a dumb teacher but intelligent parents they still stand a chance. When they have both dumb parents and teachers they are screwed!
      When my child was in 4th grade another student asked what a.m. and p.m. stood for and the teacher actually said "at morning and past morning" to which my child spoke up and said she was wrong and it was Latin for ante meridien and post meridien. My child was written up for being a smart a** by correcting the teacher. So glad I don't have to deal with that BS anymore! Wicomico county schools are horrible! The best teachers I have dealt with have retired or moved to Worcester County schools which are so much better!


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