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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Taxpayers Have Been Sponsoring Farrakhan's Nation of Islam for Decades

Unbeknown to most Americans, over the past few decades, the U.S. government has been quietly subsidizing one of the vilest, most hateful groups in America - the Nation of Islam.

The Nation of Islam is headed by the notoriously racist and antisemitic Louis Farrakhan.

Farrakhan is known for spreading vicious lies about Jewish people, referring to Jewish people as "wicked Jews," accusing them of perpetrating a fictitious "black African Holocaust" and of "sucking our blood." In one of his interviews, Farrakhan claimed that "Hitler was a very great man." Farrakhan also hates Christians and gays, though with less oomph.

The Nation of Islam believes that white people are unnatural lab creations, designed by an evil Black wizard, not by God. That is why they refer to white people as "blue-eyed devils" and "white devil." The religion believes in aliens and is awaiting UFOs to rescue them in a type of apocalyptic deliverance battle that will defeat the White domination of the planet. Naturally, they are good friends with Scientologists. Farrakhan has even encouraged Whites to convert to Scientology, saying, "All white people should flock to L. Ron Hubbard," to stop living as "a devil Christian" or "a satanic Jew."



  1. We've been sponsoring all these RACIST POS for decades. They have been given affirmative action. They have been given EVERY opportunity to succeed. They have been given a hell of a lot more than I ever got. Yet they talk about how RACIST whites are.
    Like anything else anyone blames you for in life. Whatever they accuse you of means that what they have been doing. FACT.

  2. Wow he has got that all wrong its 180 out of whack. Islam is luciferian as well as scientology. Alien do not exsist. We are made in GODS image. So he may be seeing and believing in santanic manisfestation of aliens and demons. those UFOs are nothing but tickets to Hell..islam is a false religion

  3. And like Sharpton pay no taxes.

  4. Another one who should leave the earthly plane soon!

  5. Point of the story: Religious organizations should not be getting tax dollars, ESPECIALLY since they don't pay taxes.

    You don't get to say "well THAT religious group I don't agree with, so they shouldn't get our dollars". That's not the way it works.

    This should be simple and basic, there really shouldn't be any debate about this. Tax dollars should not be going to Religious organizations for any reason.

    Let me add to that, also any organization affiliated with an organization. Much like The Nation of Islam has a private Security Company affiliated with them that won government contracts, the security company likely only hired members of their faith... often companies like this make their employees sign declarations of faith with promises of behavior. No company like this should get tax dollars.

    This is super simple, there shouldn't be debate on this.

  6. I have always been under the impression that people who hate America are our enemy . Having said that I believe that these people should be executed . By now there are many including Farrakhan , Sorros , Clinton , Mad MAx . Pelosi , and many more . Maybe some day they will meet their fate .

    1. 8:23
      When you get to Judgement Day be sure to tell the Father you loved “America”.

      Get a clue:
      The US Government is an evil militaristic empire. You are going to be ashamed of yourself.

  7. 38 of 42 extremist attacks last year were carried out by far right extremists. Who is the real threat?

    1. 10:15
      Extremist attacks?


      You are a dupe of the media
      Probably believe everything you are told

  8. If only you morons knew the pillars of Islam. I have been treated better by the Islamic families of my friends than the majority of you so called Christians I've encountered throughout life.

    1. Who cares?? You must allow yourself to get bent over. That's why they like you so much. A PEDOPHILE in the making??

  9. I have been stating this since the mid 80's. As far as being treated better by Islamic Families goes to show you people are individuals and they are the ones who do not support the radical agenda. Make sure you differentiate the difference. I can say the same thing for any Religion or race I have as friends.

    Farrakhan and the Nation of Islam is a radical ANARCHIST group that believes in the same theories as Hitler.

  10. Cite your source 10:15?
    Where? What country? names? etc.
    We have BLM riots happening all over the place, but I guess they are "peaceful protests"
    I'm not sure what you define as "attacks" but looting, rioting, burning etc seems pretty straightforward to me!

  11. hey 10:15 and 10:16 ,
    Islam is the culture dedicated to satan or the devil , they have NO God , they worship themselves as obama did . Islam is the the culture of complete failure. Islam is like a bugger in your nose , keep blowing until it releases into the in coming 223. I'm a white blue eyed angel with much power , come and get it , if you are black you will be laying on your back.

  12. 1016 we didn't ask for YOUR story and could care less how you've been treated. Treat others as you would like to be treated.

    Don't like it - plenty of other places in the WORLD you can inhabit.

  13. @105 You're an embarrassment to the white race. Shut the hell up. You wouldn't bust a grape in a fruit fight. Save all of your 223 horse feces because you're rights are under attack now, you aren't killing squat and your rhetoric involves a situation that you and everyone else knows is never coming. It's like claiming how badass you are going to be when Canadians invade.

  14. Time overdue to CUT THEM OFF & Lock them UP as Terrorists !!! Fact


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