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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Suspect Who Killed Son Of Epstein-Linked Judge Identified

Update (1540ET): Citing federal law enforcement sources, the NY Post has just published more details about the deceased suspect in an attack that left the son of a judge overseeing a lawsuit against Deutsche Bank involving the bank's failure to hold Epstein accountable.

Though some reports claim the suspect actually intended to target Judge Salas's husband, it appears initial reports that the suspect was a lawyer who had once argued a case before the judge have been confirmed.

The suspect, whose body was found in the Catskills, has been identified as lawyer and men's rights activist Roy Den Hollander. It's believed that Hollander had a case pending before Salas where he was challenging the "men's only" draft. Hollander also once sued Chuck Todd of NBC’s Meet the Press, the New York Times’ commentator David Brooks, and Major Garrett of CBS. He accused them of violating the Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act by allegedly committing “wire fraud” for publishing "fake news" reports about President Trump.



  1. Got to have something to do with the Clintons.

  2. Lawyer vs Judge vs Lawyer


  3. 11:52 and Trump since he wished Gislene Maxwell "well" after his coronavirus briefing yesterday. Throw everyone associated with them in jail

  4. Has something to do with every rich pedofile because we have created a country in which the rich have no rules and for some reason conservatives love to defend them keeping their billions while the working class and poor crumbles

    1. 10:20
      I disagree with you. Speak for yourself please.

      “We” didn’t create this Evil Empire.
      Maybe YOU did (I doubt that) but WE did not!

  5. A men's activist? I'm not familiar with the term.

  6. 10:20

    Epstein's customers were almost exclusively libtards


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