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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Statement From The Washington Redskins


  1. He can sure spin around when money is involved. That team is so lost they may as well just take the franchise and give it to somebody with a heart.

  2. You should concentrate on trying to win football games and concentrate on not sucking. Maybe you should change the name to the Foreskins.

  3. The more the left wins America loses.

  4. Who cares with all this other mess going on. Is anyone really going to go to a stadium and watch a game? I do not think the NFL will be playing this year and with the BLM song going before the anthem I for one am done with the NFL. The social justice warriors need to find another platform.

  5. This is just ridiculous. What a better way to honor native Americans who literally lost everything all those years ago than to adorn team jerseys, stadiums, game mementos, and all advertising with logos depicting their heritage. This "woke" culture is destroying us from within. We are being forced to forget our past; tsk, tsk, tsk, shame on us.

    1. You mean the people that had women slaves and passed them around to the men until death ? Or the kid slaves that slept near the horses for warmth and sold to highest bidder. What tribe are you talking about? Because each tribe brutally murder another tribe and took their land? Maybe we should talk about their favorite way they killed?

    2. 858 if you are referring to scalping that was actually a french thing. If you are referring to treatment of women by NA guess what, women were the property owners and had voting rights among their nations before women in US did. There is historical evidence of white women and children captured in battles that chose to stay (look up Cynthia Parker). Lineage was traced through maternal line. Most groups were a matriarchal society. I am not saying that all lived peacefully but they were not as savage as early settlers made them out to be.
      The biggest irony of the name change of WR is that the majority of my friends with NA heritage love the team name and have had some great funny wagers with Cowboys fans among the groups. Most of the traditionalists I have met don't take issue with team names but have fun with it especially when teams win.

  6. Death warrant for team having fans if they bend over and change the name.

  7. His last name is Snyder sooo he can’t be trusted to fight for freedom

  8. NFL players are mostly black, second only to NBA.

    Get used to this.

  9. Imagine how many teams have mascots with native American inference.Between high school,college and pro sports there must be thousands.

  10. When they start playing a so called black national anthem, the team taking a knee during our American National Anthem then my family will no longer be football sports fans!

  11. His mindset was never about winning. Sad by very very true. He talks a good game and laughs all the way to the bank.

    Lifelong fan and seen it all since the 60's.


  12. Let's see.....Sioux City, Iowa....North Dakota....South Dakota.... Cheyenne, WY.....Nanticoke.....Wicomico..... What other Indian names do we need to drop or change???

  13. Northwest Woodsman: Just utilizing a member of the negro football league to destroy another long standing cultural icon. They will never stop now that everyone capitulates to their demands. They see it as a sign of weakness which it certainly is.

  14. no more football here. These whining crybabies make millions and not another dime of my families money will spent on it and their sponsors to. DONE!

  15. I refuse to watch the National Felons League and try not to buy anything from China.

  16. @10:47 You're literally bitching about a hypothetical that hasn't happened yet. Damn, you people really will bitch about anything.

  17. Who cares - football is a waste of time. Multimillionaire children acting like imbicles not worth my money

  18. NFL?? Didn't even think they were still around.

  19. I have a new name for them for years.....DEADSKINS! No wins in sight!


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