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Saturday, July 18, 2020

SF Police Commission Orders Police Stations to Display Black Lives Matter Posters

The San Francisco Police Commission voted this week to require police stations throughout the city to display Black Lives Matter posters, despite pushback from union members.

The left-wing and Marxist Black Lives Matter political organization has been at the forefront of calls for police to be defunded across the country in the wake of the death of George Floyd, a black man who died in police custody in Minneapolis in May.



  1. They left will eventually get what they are after, no police. I’m sure most law enforcement officers have their mind on getting out of such a honorable career.

  2. BLM is the KKK for racist black people ... read their manifesto. They don't believe in the family structure.or Jesus

  3. Letter to the Editor:

    I just saw this idiotic post on FB.

    David Cooper
    Admin · 11h
    I wanted to repost this for everyone because I feel like some didnt take me seriously. The number of proposed laws up for vote, in this next session of congress, against our Second Amendment rights is in the DOUBLE DIGITS. We need to do something to stop this! SO PLEASE READ BELOW!!!
    To all of our newer membership, please see the post at the top of our page in regards to the 2nd Amendment petition. We are asking all members of this page to sign this petition. We are at 2,074 members with only 1,921 signatures on the petition. I am personally asking each and every person on this page to hold themselves personally accountable for getting not only their signature but 5 other signatures on this petition and share it to other family and friends as well. These 5 signatures can be family or friends. Just hold yourself accountable for only 5 signatures, just 5 that is all!! If you do more your hard work is greatly appreciated. Also invite any of you friends and family that own guns to our group as well.
    For any of you that would like to help us a little more you can always email the Wicomico County council members stating you would like to see this county become a 2nd amendment sanctuary county. All the surrounding counties almost always follow suit with Wicomico when it comes to decisions like this. So, if Wicomico County doesn’t move forward with this the chances of getting the other counties here on the shore moving forward on this issue get slimmer and slimmer by the minute. Email addresses are as follows

    "he number of proposed laws up for vote, in this next session of congress, against our Second Amendment rights is in the DOUBLE DIGITS."

    "For any of you that would like to help us a little more you can always email the Wicomico County council members stating you would like to see this county become a 2nd amendment sanctuary county."

    NEWSFLASH!! Congress could give a rats a$$ whether Wicomico becomes a "sanctuary county" or not! That has no impact on Congress or the Maryland General Assembly. They need to quit misleading 2A supporters.

    "All the surrounding counties almost always follow suit with Wicomico when it comes to decisions like this."
    Oh really? Where is your evidence? What decisions have the other counties voted on because Wicomico did?

    "So, if Wicomico County doesn’t move forward with this the chances of getting the other counties here on the shore moving forward on this issue get slimmer and slimmer by the minute."

    Living in another county I can assure you that we don't give rats a$$ what Wicomico County does and they have never had an impact on our decisions.

    It's stupid comments like this that have the opposition busting their sides in laughter. Wicomico County's 2A movement has become the laughing stock in the State of Maryland and these clowns need to find another hobby.

    1. Cut it out dude, not gonna waste my time reading that again

  4. Color did not have a damn thing to do with Floyd's death. Those officers did nothing that would be considered racist. Nothing more than perceived racism. Idiots.


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