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Monday, July 20, 2020

Seattle City Councilwoman: We Will Not Stop Until We Overthrow Capitalism, Replace It With Socialism

Seattle City Councilwoman Kshama Sawant delivers a message after passing the "Amazon Tax" at a digital city council meeting on Monday.

"I have a message for Jeff Bezos and his class," Sawant warned. "If you attempt again to overturn the Amazon Tax, working people will go all out in the thousands to beat you. And we will not stop there."


  1. Who elects these folks?


  2. There will be another civil war.
    These Socialist morons have to be defeated.
    Our Constitutional republic is at stake.
    They have the support of much of our adversarial world.
    Capitalism is still the big kid on the block because it dwarfs all other systems at generating wealth for more of its citizens.
    Communists-Marxists-Socialists all hate their own failure. They must bring down our system. They want our pie.

    1. What are YOU DOING about ? Probably wearing a mask with a your head down like the rest of society. Avoiding the riots

  3. What is to stop Amazon and the other large companies from leaving Seattle? They could band together and basically buy several counties and create their own city in another friendlier state.

  4. These people that Americans are voting into office to represent us are all batshit crazy.

  5. Love America or leave it we are not changing it.Go to Cuba or Venezuela for their health care or whatever you think is great there.

  6. Working people want capitalism. Lazy people want socialism.

    1. 1:32——-8 words that explains everything‼️. Thank you for those words of truth.

  7. PLEASE - Go back to Freaking India you Socialist B#tch. NO one asked you to come here and change the US

  8. At least we know what parts of the country need this cancer removed.

  9. When are we going to dust off the treason laws and start prosecuting?

  10. 12:32 PM here is a hint NO ONE VOTES that is how these but jobs stay and keep office... Look at you morons, SBY has what 30k to 60k residents, I think it is 30k and only 1%, not even came out to vote for the POS mayor!!! Out of 30k, only 1k come out and voted, see the problem retard????

  11. Kshama need to go to N. Korea, she will fit in nicely there.

  12. How is this not subvesrion..is she supporting her oath to uphold the laws and constitution? Apparently not. If she take an oath on the satantic koran then lying is ok in her book!!

  13. One option to you all move to another country where there is Socialism, try it for real and you will be on a fast track to get back in the USA. You don't like it leave here.

  14. Naw, never happen. As capitalists we value the esteemed word of one Gordon Geko;

    “Greed is good”

    As long as there is money to be made (and there is) then socialism looses. Don’t believe me? Go ask a Russian what happened. They were paying well over 100$ at one point for a pair of USA made blue jeans.

  15. Time to STOP these Traitors in America !!! MAGA elect Trump 2020 !!

  16. This is why I wish America had inherited the old English, VERY gruesome hang/draw/quarter penalty for treason. I loathe the fact that liberalfilth have to share the same atmosphere as me, those human pap-smears gone wrong.

  17. The US hasn't had a free market capitalist market in decades.

  18. Wanna bet, BI*CH??

  19. Seems to me that the last time this bs occurred (1968-1972) a simple solution presented itself. The feds methodically hunter down and nailed the anarchists and suddenly all of the socialists shut up. Time to do that again.

  20. Northwest Woodsman: We have had the good fortune to have lived in a country that has been untouched by war and its destructive results since the civil war ended in 1865. We have not experienced the effects of war such as those of, let’s say, Lebanon, Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, etc. However, with that said, I see it coming, possibly soon with disastrous results. I envision armored personnel carriers, HUMVs, etc., rolling down the streets of our cities with .50 caliber Browning heavy machine guns clearing the streets of protestors. Remember Tiananmen Square, Czech Revolt, Hungarian Revolution and numerous other internal conflicts that led to death and destruction? Coming to your town and neighborhood soon. Please don’t be caught unprepared because things are going to get ugly unless drastic action is taken immediately to stop this move toward Marxism and communist rule.


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