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Sunday, July 19, 2020

Salisbury Building A New Pedestrian Bridge, Seriously?

Not only a traffic circle, but now we need a new pedestrian bridge at Camden Street! There goes another million!
City of Salisbury Procurement PortalITB 21-109
Camden Pedestrian Bridge

You are invited to bid on this opportunity.

Bid information will be available on Monday, July 13, 2020 1:01:00 PM [(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)].

Requests for clarification are due N/A.

Bids are due Friday, August 14, 2020 2:30:00 PM [(UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada)].

Visit this bid on our website at https://salisbury.procureware.com/Bids/53469f6b-9603-4b28-b17f-d8d0e907dbca to review this opportunity.


  1. Yep this has been planned for years!!! Quit being so f'ing stupid slaves!!!!

  2. Isn't that the monies just given to Salisbury by the Federal Government. Or was it Harris. I don't think it was meant to accommodate elites in Salisbury from getting wet while crossing the street during a rain storm. Insane when you think 9f all the pot holes in your roads etc.

  3. Salisbury has turned into another Democrat tax and spend government

  4. Come visit the same 3 shops downtown that are the embodiment of vanila ice cream! Do you like the same old crap and rainbow sidewalks that piss people off for some reason?! Come downtown!

  5. What happens when the money stops flowing in. Rumor is water bills are not being paid. Jakie has everyone thinking they don't need to pay rent and they aren't paying it, businesses are not making money. He is going to bankrupt us.

  6. Who said taxes weren't going up?? LMAO. Must be Mason's running the city/County.

    1. Day is mayor......not familiar with Mason.

  7. Why do we need a pedestrian bridge? The m'are already removed the railings, so all you have to do is jump over the river!

  8. I stopped renting and just sold my properties because of nonsense like this.

  9. I simply avoid Salisbury completely. Only go in to Salisbury if It's impossible to avoid.

  10. uhhhh Money stopped flowing months ago. Both stims just helped (a small bit) with necessities and maybe a few bills. The economic engine runs well when people are spending on wants rather than needs.

    No money for wants, engine doesn't purr...yet gov't still spends.

    Amazing how bass ackwards everything remains.

  11. People have to walk places. Get over it, dipshits.

  12. 9:10 Exactly, but you slaves just keep on taking it!!!! I don't live in SBY so I have no say, but most of you do!!! But you are to lazy and stupid to vote during the mayor elections, and well this is what you get!!! Then on top of that you all are letting them do this to you, then you complain about it???? Has your complaining fixed, soled or stopped them form doing this to you???? NOOOOOO it hasn't SO maybe try something new!!!!

  13. 10:08 If it wasn't for my work or chick-fil-a I wouldn't even spit towards SBY

  14. Salisbury roads have never looked worse than they do right now. As a matter of fact Salisbury itself is a embarrassment to the citizens. Instead of a footbridge how about filling in all those potholes in the roads, the broken up sidewalks and pave the road and smooth them out. Where they have worked on the roads somebody did not show them how to smooth them. We have never had a Mayor that took pride in our city since Mayor Martin held office. What a disgrace.

    1. If I recall, the state held back money a few years back for these roads. Now, a year or two ago the good mayor advised the money was flowing again and roads would be improved. Show me the money. What was done with it.....bike lanes, streets renamed to blm.... what else??

  15. They'er going to call the Bridge "Black Lives Matter Bridge".

    1. got to have something to throw rocks off of

  16. I really don't have much faith in the riverside circle jerk alleviating traffic congestion. If it does appear to work it's going to be due to the fact that motorist have chosen other routes

  17. They just love spending tax payers $ and all the grant $ must have been spent killing more geese not seen them in weeks on Riverwalk. Was a far better sight than those ugly rusty Riverwalk letters, it's like the benches with the black murals painted on Rt 13 North, have never seen one soul sit on them or anyone congregate there. Can you think of any changes Jake has made in his 4+ years that has actually benefited the city?

    1. Are you going to sit on a black bench in the sun. I prefer not to burn my bum.

  18. NO longer go to Salisbury, land of the Fairies...

  19. The city spends money like water on products like this. But ask to put up some Curb and Pick up after you dog and you get the run around or told it would be distracting to drivers.

  20. Where exactly does Camden need a bridge? Up near the circle? Saint Francis de Sales? Down near the University? The most crossings I see are around the vicinity of loblolly and I thought that was not within city limits?

  21. I'm a Mason and we wouldn't have them...We want to better men not the latter.

  22. Now I just heard Maryland is going to get 300 thousand dollars to erect a memorial for a newspaper shooting. WTF. No wonder Maryland is a SHITHOLE.

  23. What did they do> Find as spot in Salisbury that wasn't torn up and said "oh no, this won't do ! We simply must tear this up and sit a bunch of orange barrels and cones around it."

  24. Can we pave Fitzwater first?

  25. City democrats going to tax the poor right out of the city.

  26. Congratulations to Jake Day. He has wasted more money during his tenure than any other mayor in the history of Salisbury.
    The Gillis-Gilkerson crew need the footbridge so they can walk over to Brew River for happy hour.

  27. 3:57 You are never going to see Fitzwater St. and W. Main Street in that same area, paved. The right people don't live there or use it. The streets only get fixed where the pretty people live. We have begged for years for something to be done with the horrible streets in that area, but I don't see that ever happening. Why don't the people who live in that area raise some hell and demand some repairs be made, not just throw a shovel full of dirt in the pot holes, but repave it like they do in "other" sections. It's the same way with extreme West Isabella St. It only gets paved where the slum lords own property and the pretty people live. Residents of the far west end of Isabella should also demand the same decent roads that the other end , across the tracts, gets. You have all sat back and been quiet for way too long.

  28. Only on the backward Eastern Shore. Oppose progress at every corner.... Traffic circles and pedestrian bridges, Oh My!

  29. Camden is Jakes circle of voters that's why they get a pedestrian bridge you fools.

  30. It's like the tunnel across from the college afraid years ago they might get hit because they couldn't read traffic lights they don't use it except for graffiti on the inside the tunnel.

  31. Instead of paving Fitzwater Street how about fixing the run off of river water at high tide for hours that cover the area. It also flows in the parking lot of Bru River and this has been going on decades in this area. Camden homes are sub houses for the college classes, and student aid centers that's why they are so important and don't forget they drink with Jake at the BRICK ROOM.

  32. Lets put up STOP LIGHTS where they are NEEDED instead of Waisting
    money !!!!

    Much NEEDED > Snow Hill Rd next to Dollar store & Fratelli's !!!
    Tilghman Rd corner & Mt Herman Rd

    Take OUT those Excess lights Not needed & then there Could be ones
    where they are needed !!! Such as > Too many (only One needed)
    at many locations , like 60 ft rd & rt 50 / Mt Herman rd & Walston Switch rd / Phillip Morris drive several locations / some have as
    many as twelve frigg'in lights When ONLY ONE is needed !!!!! Waist of
    taxpayer's $$$$$$$ > a Govt norm !!!

  33. It’s not safe to walk the streets in Salisbury hire more cops

  34. @July 14, 2020 at 10:38 AM. They have been doing fine without it all this time. Whats the problem now all of a sudden? By the way, watch your mouth.

  35. July 14, 2020 at 9:01 AM. And what is so important about a foot bridge? You have a nasty mouth.

  36. @July 14, 2020 at 7:59 PM. Maybe they fear for their lives because of all the crime, drug dealing, gang activity etc. in those areas to get anyone to work there. Pretty people???? Give it a break already.


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