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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Report: 59 Shot, 3 Killed, over Weekend in Mayor Lightfoot’s Chicago

Fifty-nine people were shot, three fatally, over the weekend in Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s (D) Chicago.

Late Sunday night NBC 5 reported at least 49 people had been shot, two fatally. By Monday morning the Chicago Sun-Times reported nearly 60 shot with three fatalities.

NBC 5 noted that weekend shootings began Friday with a non-fatal incident just after 5 pm, when two individuals were shot while standing in a gas station parking lot “in the 800 block of West 59th Street.”

Less than 30 minutes later a 19-year-old was shot and left in serious condition while sitting on a porch on West Cullerton. The violence continued from there.

The Sun-Times reports the weekend’s last shooting–a fatal one–occurred just before 1:30 a.m. Monday morning.



  1. They will all eventually eliminate their selves.

  2. Oh its just those kookie lil ganstas! They're just blowing off steam.....😜

  3. Amazing Mayor Very Highbrow keeps failing, yet gets to keep her job.


  4. The funeral processions of each and every victim should slowly pass by her office and her house, as well as the offices and houses of every Chicago alderman.

  5. God punishing and giving them their just rewards They lie about racism and police and God is stepping in and punishing them for the sin filled immoral lives they lead.


  6. All well and good (not really). but what are the weekly tallies rather than the weekend free-for-all numbers? What is the year-to-date shot and killed tally? Pretty sure it's the Wild West all week long.

  7. 1236....sad that there hasn't been any true funerals for a while, all deaths on her watched need to be reminded at her expense for the rest of her life.

    Useless life she is.

  8. Cleaning up Chicago one weekend at a time!!

  9. Lighthead Lightfoot should just go get another hairdoo like she did when everyone else could not--due to the C-19 lockdown she enacted. She said she is "special" and has to look good since she is in the public eye. SORRY Lighthead Lightfoot--there are not enough minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years that you could continuously get a makeover---AND EVER LOOK GOOD. Accept the facts you stupid ass. Also, let's count how many people are gunned down in SH*Tchago for a full week and not just the weekend. These are the only stats provided by the MSM cesspool. I think the country would be appalled by what a failure you are. No, I'm wrong----the majority of the people are much smarter than that and already know what a POS you are. But then they don't live in SH*Tchago. That is what makes them smart. Lightfoot----the LIGHTWEIGHT.

  10. She said she is "special" and has to look good since she is in the public eye. SORRY Lighthead Lightfoot--there are not enough minutes/hours/days/weeks/months/years that you could continuously get a makeover---AND EVER LOOK GOOD. Accept the facts you stupid ass. Also, let's count how many people are gunned down in SH*Tchago for a full week and not just the weekend. These are the only stats provided by the MSM cesspool. I think the country would be appalled by what a failure you are. No, I'm wrong----the majority of the people are much smarter than that and already know what a POS you are. But then they don't live in SH*Tchago. That is what makes them smart. Lightfoot----the LIGHTWEIGHT.

  11. Sad state of affairs. Cannot wait until election to see what
    the people do. Depending on the election results we will know our future. Could be ugly

  12. Anonymous said...
    Cleaning up Chicago one weekend at a time!!

    July 28, 2020 at 6:09 PM


  13. You all should look back at the words of Thomas Jefferson when said in being that God is a just God He fear the Day that God would bring Justice on America. Its Here !!!!

  14. Light weekend for Chicago. They must be losing their edge. Only 59 people shot. 🤔


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