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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Redwood City Scrubs Black Lives Matter Mural When Trump Supporter Asks to Paint 'MAGA 2020' on Same


  1. Cities across the nation got suckered into BLM street painting, most run by Democrsts. See a connection? If not, wait for it.

    1. section 8 created by JakeJuly 25, 2020 at 7:18 PM

      Dey our Boys Yo

  2. We’re in the midst of a full blown coup

  3. BLM = ANTI FIRST AMENDMENT. Both need to be quashed out quickly and by serious force.

  4. Where were the black people. Bunch of disgruntled white nut jobs crying and whining about something they know nothing about and shouldn’t know. Shut the hell up fruit. Thank goodness there was a white lady voicing her right asking for something worthwhile.

  5. 1.8 billion in their war chest and overnight all sports cops politicians are kneeling. Biden will Win and America will be a softer China. Republicans are wimps and can’t even pretend to get along. Democrats are lock step one brain one thought. And it’s working. Conservatives are a joke. Cortez received 3 thousand votes to win her district and currently has more power then the President and in 3 months will be in the White House. Hell this blog spot was posting pictures because people were not social distancing.

  6. Maga 2020 is political advertising. Should a town paint Biden 2020 on the street?

    1. Black Lives Matter is a communist political organization.

    2. She was retaliating against the ridiculous blm . Joey would be the same, a matter of littering the through ways.

  7. I'm really getting fed up with TV. Commercials everywhere for blm donations and covid crap. This nonsense is ruining everything. I guess I'll just have to read for entertainment

  8. Nothing like reverse discrimination!

  9. They’re Marxists ... to understand what will happen just research the Bolshevik revolution they’re the same and if they ever come to power millions will starve to death

  10. Why should the city pay to paint what is essentially a giant political ad? Plus I thought you retards were claiming Trump already made America great, and the 2020 slogan was Keep America Great? Did Trump fail? Which is it?

    1. 8:42 You do realize when you use words like retard you lose all credibility? The only thing you accomplished with your comment is sounding like a 10 year old.

  11. How can a city legally allow endorsements for a non-profit?

    BLM is a non-profit and allowing it and to be painted by city workers it is an

    All of the cities that have allowed this should allow all non-profit clubs to have their crap slogan painted on the street too! (or remove BLM)


  12. Now, why would a fundraising group like ActBlue Texas be paying out three hundred dollars apiece to hundreds of individuals? If you aren’t suspicious, you must be dead.
    The first thing you have to understand is that Black Lives Matter is not a nonprofit charity yet and are not the same group as formed at the beginning. This BLM is a Marxist group. The money gets donated to ActBlue (Democrats), who then sends the money to Thousand Currents and they handle the money for BLM until they get their tax exemption status straightened out. The vice-chair of Thousand Currents is a woman by the name of Susan Rosenberg. Does that name ring a bell? She was a member of the Weather Underground with Bill Ayers. She was convicted of killing a guard and two police officers in the Brinks robbery. Bill Clinton pardoned her on his last day in office.
    An unusual combination of New York political and law enforcement leaders have condemned former President Bill Clinton’s pardon of Susan L. Rosenberg, a one-time member of the Weather Underground terrorist group who was charged in the notorious 1981 Brink’s robbery in Rockland County that left a guard and two police officers dead.
    So, to get this straight, the money is sent to ActBlue, who sends it to Thousand Currents who administers the money for BLM.
    In a review of the finances of ActBlue Texas reveals hundreds of payments shows that they paid increments of $250 and $300 to individuals. But, there is no indication of what the money is for. Also a percentage of that money donated to BLM is given to the Democrats for political purposes.


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