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Monday, July 27, 2020

President Trump and HUD Secretary Ben Carson Quietly Eliminate Obama’s Actions Forcing Suburbs to Pay for the Cities

Last night, Stanley Kurtz was interviewed by Mark Levin at FOX News on Life, Liberty and Levin about recent actions taken by President Trump and his brilliant Secretary Ben Carson that help the suburbs. They did this by eliminating a massive rule similar to Obamacare taken by former President Obama that radically undercut the independence of local suburbs.

Stanley Kurtz, a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center, spoke to Fox News about what he called a “tremendous accomplishment” of the Trump administration, one that the mainstream media apparently failed to notice.

In an interview on “Life Liberty & Levin” that aired Sunday, Kurtz shed light on the“Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing Rule,” (AFFH) a law added by former President Barack Obama to the 1968 Fair Housing Act, which the conservative scholar said has aimed to expand federal influence over suburbia.



  1. Thank you, Mr. President!

  2. Obama and Biden along with the Democrat party as a whole are Marxists they want to call the shots in your life . If you think government control sounds great because you just want skim through life it’s not going to be like that. Marxism implemented in Russia caused wide scale starvation and political murders the death rate was 60 million these dangerous ideology gave birth to communism in China which has the same effect they killed millions now Chinese people actually live where they work to get more production. Marxism also spawned Fascism in Italy and Socialism/ Nazism In Germany and neither worked out well. All these groups were small and took over entire countries because the people didn’t fight back

  3. The more of the Kenyan turd's stuff he rolls back the better!

  4. Another step in draining the swamp and it's Nazi / Socialist regulations.

    President Trump should have made it mandatory these regulations referred only to the Democrat, Obama, Pelosi, Nadler, Warren, Schiff, Stallworth, Bloomberg, Soros and all high Tech millionaires / billionaires neighborhoods.

    1. I think you are wrong. It was all neighborhoods that were doing well but didn't have a minority as a neighbor. Carson said it all - not all people can live in the same type of community.

  5. Suburbia is done.It's great for retirees that have had careers elsewhere and they don't want to pay taxes they put their kids through school elsewhere but they proffer few living wage jobs for professionals and speculators are buying up properties to rent to immigrant workers. Young blue collar families cannot even afford rent much less buying a home. The post war American Dream is crumbling with abandoned Malls and strip malls and and miles of fast food franchises and failing national branded retailers. Pay day lenders and Dollar stores seem to prosper though.
    Tiny Boxes Tiny Boxes
    Tiny Boxes full of Ticky Tack

    1. Wow - where did that come from. I sent my child to public school where I paid taxes. I worked 40 years so I have a retirement and can afford to move to another State - where I pay high taxes. I support the community by paying high taxes. There may be a few people who do as you stated but don't put all of us in the category. Work hard and you shall reap the rewards.

  6. 12:57
    Tell the whole truth.
    Who did the killing?

    The Russian Revolution (Lenin, Trotsky) was a JEWISH revolution.

    Marxism is Talmudic Judaism. Karl Marx was born into a long line of Rabbis. Pure Judaism.
    The idea that one group (race) of people should rule over the rest of the world is a Jewish concept.

    Thank you

  7. 6:19 pm. I am shocked that you have made a racist comment about Jews. I guess if you made such comment about Blacks you would have been sensored. PS I am not Jewish.


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