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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Poll Finds 100% Of People Who Are James Comey Believe James Comey Did Nothing Wrong

U.S..—A new Reuters poll released Friday indicated that 100% of people who are James Comey believe that James Comey did nothing wrong as the director of the FBI.

Pollsters called exactly one guy: James Comey, and asked him how well he thought James Comey handled himself as FBI director. Of those James Comeys surveyed, 100% of them thought that James Comey's conduct was impeccable and that he served his country well.

"Yeah, James Comey? That guy is a national hero," said one of the people who were surveyed, speaking anonymously. "Of all the people in the nation who could have handled a tough situation like that, James Comey was the man to do it."

Every single person surveyed also believed that James Comey is owed an apology by those who criticized his handling of sensitive information and his violation of FBI rules. "I'm waiting," said James Comey when he saw the poll results. "This survey just shows that there is a real consensus here as to who the good guy is: me."



  1. You just can't fix stupid!!!! Poll finds 100% of people "WHO ARE JAMES COMEY" believe that James Comey did nothing wrong...

  2. However still blm is not calling for defunding the fbi why? Or the DEA? Just local police and now that le is pulling back homicide have done up 400 percent all black on black. I’m so confused

  3. 😂😂

    But then again, it's more tragic than it is funny.

  4. wow, just wow...we have a clueless citizenry...scary.

  5. I would enjoy seeing james comey take the same path as epstein

    1. Comey is too proud to do that. He knows the truth and still believes in himself that he’s clean. Big dummy

    2. I disagree 2:51, he lies when he needs to protect himself and hillary. He knows he's lying.

  6. The time when civil servants became above the law is when this country was lost.


  7. Perhaps a follow up survey on fashion: Do Jim Comeys favor orange jumpsuits, horizontal black and white stripes, or some other combination, for their attire 24/7 the next 30 years?

  8. Another survey found that at least 50% of people who commented on this post either didn’t read it before commenting and:or have never heard of satire.

    1. I didn't read the whole article 3:42 because I watched that POS/comey and the congressional hearings 3 years ago. He lies so easily.

  9. I'm sure they only asked the dems. (map)


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