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Monday, July 20, 2020



  1. Fact is covid is not very deadly at all. Don't anyone even think they can give an accurate death rate because you can't. The only thing anyone can do is give the death rate of reported cases and that is low. Not a soul on earth knows the actual number of cases So with this in mind the death rate is extremely low. So low that only a paranoid mental case worries about it.
    The economy needs to stay open. Every single elderly person I know says this. They don't want the country destroyed over them and could care less if they get covid and die. This is true unselfishness and real love. Many claim they would die for their children but they are liars. They claim to even love their children but don't really. If you want things closed down then you do not love your children at all. Don't even try to claim otherwise because you are just lying.

  2. TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Loved the fart comment lol, but so much of what he said is so true and common sense.

  4. I wish more people would listen to you...


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