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Thursday, July 09, 2020

NYPD limits retirement applications amid 411% surge this week

New York’s Finest are putting in for retirement faster than the NYPD can handle — while citing a lack of respect and the loss of overtime pay, The Post has learned.

A surge of city cops filing papers during the past week more than quadrupled last year’s number — as the city grapples with a surge of shootings — and the stampede caused a bottleneck that’s forcing others to delay putting in their papers, officials and sources said.

The NYPD said Wednesday that 179 cops filed for retirement between June 29 and Monday, an astounding 411-percent increase over the 35 who filed during the same time period in 2019.

The astonishing rush for the door came as 503 cops filed for retirement between May 25 — the day George Floyd was killed in Minneapolis, sparking anti-cop protests around the country — and July 3, the NYPD said.



  1. Way to go Mayor DeBlahblahblah.

    Rank/file know you don't have their backs.

  2. Get the hell out now. Leave them to their own devices.

  3. So is SALISBURY!

  4. Wow
    Didn't see that coming

  5. Good for them. They going to get their money and screw NYC. They ALL will go get another job making six figures. While NYC becomes the SHITHOLE CAPITAL.

  6. And it will be the poor almost completely black neighborhoods that will suffer immensely. Black on black murder will explode like nothing they've ever seen. This is what they want with the blm nonsense so they best not dare complain. They deserve to suffer the consequences.

    1. Don't care about Black's. Why should I??. They don't even care about themselves. This is a good thing. Let them live and LOOSE. Maybe they may learn to stop playing the victim. STOP acting like you're owed something. ACT CIVILIZED.

  7. Pension in NYC is based on your last few years of pay.If Overtime is cut no point of waiting around to boost your pension with a real possibility of being fired or hurt and lose it. Not to mention they can get a side hustle being a janitor with almost no stress and mostly ignored by society trust me I know

  8. Perhaps he's unfamiliar with what police unions can do.

  9. animals dont need police

  10. Simply shows the level of frustration by the force. These are guys that were burnt out and likely needed to go anyway.

  11. Governor Homo Cuomo cannot stop persons from retiring


  12. NYPD has @55k employees, and now includes the Transit police and Housing Admin police so 500 officers retiring is a shade under 1%. Add to that however many have put in for later in the years on a more routine basis. And estimate how many more now plan to retire but haven't started the paperwork. Suddenly the number grows. But wait, there's more.....

    Each vacancy creates multiple schedule changes or reassignments or bids for new assignments. They already announced there will not be a new training class this year there will not be any relief from that source. As soon as the paperwork bar is removed expect another rush for the door. Downward spiral.

  13. Good. Minorities encouraged to apply for those jobs!! We need more black and Hispanic police officers to keep you racists in line. lol lol lol

  14. Tax money can run out to pay for all this.


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