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Saturday, July 04, 2020

Newt Gingrich | The Propaganda Media’s Polling Offensive

If you have noticed all the recent polls showing Vice President Joe Biden winning the 2020 election, you should know two things. First, the election is not this month. Second, this is a standard propaganda media polling offensive.

I have had long experience of the left’s efforts to depress, disorient, and defeat Republican campaigns. Part of its goal is to simply lower the energy level, diminish campaign contributions, and get the campaigns fighting internally over what is going wrong (even when there is nothing to be concerned about).

One of my earliest experiences of this propaganda media approach was the 1978 Minnesota US Senate race between incumbent Democratic-Farmer-Labor Sen. Wendell Andersonand Republican challenger Rudy Boschwitz. On the day before the election, the Minneapolis Star and Tribune, a notoriously leftwing propaganda system, reported on page one that Anderson was going to win with a poll that showed him beating Boschwitz by a small margin. The Boschwitz campaign had internal polling for several weeks showing them ahead by double digits. The following day Boschwitz beat Anderson 57-40. The leftwing propaganda had failed.

In mid-1980, Gov. Ronald Reagan was apparently going to lose to a resurgent President Jimmy Carter who had just decisively defeated Sen. Teddy Kennedy for the Democratic nomination. A few months later, Reagan shocked the media by winning in a landslide.

In 1988, Vice President George H. W. Bush was behind by 19 points in May. Just five months later, he beat Gov. Michael Dukakis by eight points. In those five months, as Americans learned how truly liberal Dukakis was, one-in-four of his supporters switched to Vice President Bush.

In 1990, on the Saturday before the election, Detroit’s liberal newspaper had John Engler losing to incumbent.Gov. James Blanchard by 19 points. Three days later, Engler won by more than 17,000 votes.



  1. I don’t no a single person that is okay with rioting, looting, Murdering, statues destroyed, people being fired for words, stay home social distancing unless protesting, ban guns, climate crises, Russia Russia Russia narrative, churches closed but blocking street is okay and vote Biden or your rrrrraaaaaciiist. Democrats have gone to far and can’t put that monkey back in its cage.
    I think the hypocrisy is what has made people very angry. Riots cured covid

  2. Agree with 10:36 PM. I am convinced the silent majority will rise up come November and the left, yet again, won't know what hit them. "Stupid is as stupid does".

  3. Landslide of all landslides, unprecedented victory !!!!
    TRUMP 2020

    1. I’m with you! I know he is rock solid in my trailer park.

  4. 11:50 AM, is that you Seth M.???


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