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Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Nearly 200 Officers Apply to Leave Minneapolis Police Force

Nearly 200 Minneapolis police officers have officially filed paperwork to leave the force, citing post-traumatic stress, according to a report from the New York Times on Tuesday.

The report highlighted remarks from Ronald F. Meuser Jr., a lawyer representing the officers. Should the officers officially leave, 20 percent of the force, which includes an estimated 850 people, could be gone.



  1. Splendid! Leave your taxpayer funded pensions and healthcare at the door on your way out...

    1. In addition to paying SS taxes on their retirement they also pay 7 1/2 % of the pay into their retirement. Facts matter!

  2. I still can’t figure out why we have law enforcement. I can see politician’s get protection, suvs and aircrafts but not ordinary working people. We don’t have a say and shouldn’t that’s why the best of the race are selected to lead. Biden has been amazing for 50 years in DC.

    1. 1123

      take your meds

    2. And it appears a large part of the population think that way. Lol

  3. Good, these 200 should have never been cops. It takes a certain kind of person to be a real cop. A cop for the people. If you do not have or can not ask god for the strength wisdom courage to be a cop, then you should quit, just like these 200 did. We need cops, very few cops. We dont need these 200 ptsd adrenaline junkies with little man syndrome doing anything associated with police work. Im glad they quit. I hope every cop like them quits. A true cop who has decided to dedicate their life for the people would never quit. Those are the true good cops this country needs.

    1. I get what you are saying. But how much can a real man take when fighting the bad guys and their leaders. If police had support from their chicken chit superiors and government, the force could afford to be less numbers if allowed to preform the job in a manner necessary. If that calls for physical force to combat their opponents force so be it. You do see on TV that the bad guys don’t have policy to go by, they have no rules to go by. So your opinion differs from many. And I am not a cop out there amongst the trash. I do support the blue line employees. Oh, I have had a few occasions to be on the other side of the law and found if I treated them respectfully, I got the same in return. Where has all the hate come from? Not you , everywhere.

  4. In spite of the media propaganda, being a cop is still one of the safer professions in the US...unlike roofers, delivery men, watermen and social workers, Cops have more physical safety and legal safety than most jobs....if these girlies can't handle the job.....they are doing the people of the twin cities a big favor...

    1. Roofers, watermen, loggers, have always been at the top of the most dangerous jobs lists. Police usually around 15th or so. Never seen social workers on there, though.

    2. The tough guy comments again. I bet you are a little FAG in the high-rise?? The keyboard commando the toughest shithead on social media. Girlies?? Definitely a FAG.

    3. Let’s hear about your experience being a cop. Oh, couldn’t make the cut huh?

    4. Wow, how many roofers, delivery men, waterman, and social workers combined have you seen in the news, shot and killed In a certain frame of time that has been shot and killed in the same time as police. Well than there now I rest my case. Your statement was ludicrous though. Only difference is, I have respect for the employees you mention.

  5. 11:23 go back to sleep

  6. Whoa everyone, would you stay a job when you don't have any support (management, gov't and some of the public)?

    Since it would be a win/win, a GREAT opportunity presents itself to solicit those 200 to see if any want to relocate to the eastern shore and work.

    We ALL know there are troubles in several LEO forces here on the shore - why not kick the tires and see if any diamonds in the rough exist amongst the 200?

    Doesn't hurt to investigate or ask.

  7. And who will suffer? The low income almost exclusively minority neighborhoods. And they deserve to suffer They don't want the police They find fault with the police then they must and they will suffer the consequence of being losers We are seeing it now already with the explosion of black on black murders. They lie and claim black lives matter but the truth is they are so primal that even the most innocent children can be murdered and they don't say a word. The primal uncivilized deserve to live in the filthy war zones.

    1. If that’s how you and other cops feel than you are proving their point...now go get a real job and it’s consequences like in the private sector...

  8. 11:23pm, what are you drinking? You can't figure out why we have law enforcement? Biden really has been amazing at screwing the USA over, that's just about all he's been amazing about. Corrupt SOB.

  9. Many folks who want to serve their communities choose careers in law enforcement and education. After a while, they realize they have no authority to address the truly bad actors who make it impossible to serve effectively. When no one chooses to be police officers or teachers, maybe that will be the outcome we deserve.


  10. All societies have a criminal element, and there are also those who may cross the line into unlawful on an unexpected occasion. Cops are the buffer between the bad guys and regular society. So it's perfectly fine and desirable that their work experiences are routine and low danger as long as they are trained, equipped and staffed to respond on our behalf when accidents or danger occur. Otherwise those responses fall back on an ad-hoc group of citizens with much less predictable results.

  11. No one forced these losers to go into police work. Today cops like to talk about their jobs as if it was as dangerous as my two tours in SV in 68-70....grow up and get out of the kitchen if you can’t Stand the heat..Real Americans use the 2nd amendment rather that gov authorities for “protection”

    1. Vietnam like slavery. Sick of hearing about it.


  12. Like it or not cops provide a public service. The thug control and riot duty part of the job carries physical risks most of us would avoid. We're lucky they are on the payroll for those moments.

    So if 200 want to quit from a force of 800 that means one in four shifts goes uncovered. And personnel changes of that magnitude mean promotions, reassignments, etc. that cause other disruptions. Minneapolis is well on its way to Mogadishu, MN.

  13. AT least in Somalia the people can fight back against the cops with the same weapons....here we pamper the cops with generous pay, benefits and legal protection....


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