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Thursday, July 09, 2020

NASCAR's Bubba Wallace opens up to Fox Nation's Lawrence Jones about 'Black Lives Matter' and his critics

Wallace says 'simple-minded' fans have not extended him the same courtesy that he has shown to others

Fox News contributor and Fox Nation host Lawrence Jones sat down with NASCAR'sDarrell ‘Bubba’ Wallace Jr. to talk about a series of controversies that have ensnared him, his sport, and the country since the police-involved death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.

Wallace, 26 years old and the only active Black driver in the NASCAR Cup Series, has been an outspoken figure in recent weeks. Following Floyd's death, he painted his No. 43 car black and displayed the phrases "Black Lives Matter" and "Compassion, love and understanding."


  1. He continues to call people names. He is a pos and terrible at his job.

  2. Bubba is a good name for him, except for the fact he makes the good ole Bubbas look bad.

  3. Gillette targeted male masculinity. "Taught" us to not let boys be boys, and to teach our trans children how to shave their new beards.

    Wouldn't it be nice if a company like Nike or Gillette put out a commercial targeting blacks to stop shooting people and innocent babies? Wouldn't that be refreshing and actually a more important stance to take? If fact, the most important stand to take right now. That's why I do not cave to virtue signaling. No one taught me to shave. No one taught me to not be a boy. No one taught me to not shoot anyone. I learned those basics on my own.


  4. I guess he figured out that he can't drive worth a damn so he's looking for his next career choice as an activist.

  5. Maybe if he shut his mouth and raced on his character which obviously lacks...oh me me me poor me O you poor little friggin boy me.

  6. Bummer it's not a very talented driver and the only reason he is where he's at is because of his skin color

    1. Reverse discrimination and affirmative action come to mind.

  7. Middle finger for judging and pushing an agenda that he thinks is correct. Sports entertainment is all you are Darrell Wallace...an entertainer. When no one is paying to see you or watch you on TV...well there isnt money coming in

    Milk it why you can since it will be short lived.

  8. Who cares?? He proved what a RACIST he is. He looked like the ASS HE IS. He took that noose and ran with it like a badge of honor. On every talk show and MSM outlet. All within what?? Three days?? He looked like a FOOL. Still does. Trying to shake the stench from looking like a true RACIST ASS.

    1. His views in race would make him a perfect choice for the President’s cabinet. Whoops, I forgot he’s the wrong race!

    2. Exactly 827, wrong race. Not enough education either

    3. He's to much a stupid RACIST to be in Trump's cabinet. Another Jessi smolett.

  9. Some would argue that every NASCAR fan is simple minded.

    1. SHORE BILLY with a Diesel 4x4July 9, 2020 at 8:25 PM

      Why is that ???

      I enjoy drinking beer and watching cars go in circles

  10. using racism as a reason he sucks as a driver. I dont be winin becaus i be black and dey all racis

  11. Other than an occasional fight and words exchanged I don't recall this much drama in Nascar. Has Nascar ever had another black driver?

  12. Sweet Jesus, does the grievance-mongering ever end with these people-like beings? You'd think it would get mentally exhausting to snivel 24/7/365.

  13. wendell scott didn't cry about racism in the 60's when he was racing. He just stfu and drove. neither of which wallace can do!

  14. He is projecting his own racist thoughts on to white people.

    Right now he is imploding just like Kapernick did.

  15. Let's see. He has a black mother, a white father and has been dating a white woman for several years. I guess it was his white privilege that got him into racing. They should have fined him big time for throwing water in the face of another drive last year.

    1. White girlfriend, how can that be? WTF is wrong with him. He should have a black girlfriend with all the hatred he has for Whitey.

  16. I am no longer watch Noosecar it has caved in so many ways this year. Goes for the NFL also. I guess when they figure out how to heat the ice I will not be watching hockey any longer.

  17. Why doesn't Mr.Wallace have an all black pit crew and engine builders if he hates white people so much. Richard Petty ....serious?????

  18. Does he know down south Bubba is the name for a white redneck and he can't tell a pull cord from a noose yeah I wanna listen to him huh Bubba!


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