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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Michelle Obama Celebrates Alma Mater Princeton Removing Woodrow Wilson’s Name from School

Former first lady Michelle Obama on Monday praised her alma mater, Princeton University, for dropping 28th President Woodrow Wilson’s name from its public policy school.

“Heartened to see my alma mater make this change, and even prouder of the students who’ve been advocating for this kind of change on campus for years,” Obama wrote on social media. “Let’s keep finding ways to be more inclusive to all students—at Princeton and at every school across the country.”



  1. Really?????
    It figures

  2. Can't stay out of the limelight.

  3. And as of now in America the ugly one has that right to celebrate anything. Also, has the right to scare little children. But, let it be known that I for one have been celebrating that ugly one along with the side kick.,,;

  4. That pos would celebrate that.

  5. And as of now in America the ugly one has that right to celebrate anything. Also, has the right to scare little children. But, let it be known that I for one have been celebrating that ugly leaving the White House along with the side kick. Still celebrating

  6. She went to Princeton for FREE.

  7. Wish she would remove herself and pretty boy obama from the planet.

  8. Somebody needs to tell her that Wilson was not a confederate soldier before she embarrasses herself.

    1. Hey, i just thought about it, basketballs are racist. So is tom hanks naming his volleyball wilson.

  9. Wilson gave the Country

    Federal Reserve Act
    Income tax

    Terrible human being and completely compromised individual

  10. I am guessing the only president in our history who can escape the label of being a racist is Obama!Or maybe he will only be considered half a rascally since he is half white. WTF! This is getting ridiculous. Liberals need to stop being such whiny pu**ies! If something is offensive they can't just stop at saying they are offended and why. They need to change names, logos, burn or tear things down. I know 2 year old children with better problem solving skills.

  11. Bob Aswell....Investigative REalistJuly 1, 2020 at 3:55 PM

    Uh, Pardon me but it's 'Michael O'Bama'. Facts have been introduced that positively identifies this thing as a male convert. It was through the conversion of goods and property and inheritance money that it was achieved through surgery and a surrogate mother this farce was perpetrated on the American public. Check the current records BEFORE the Princeton trip and see what you find in the official records of the birth and inheritance. It's hard to concoct the perfect lie!

  12. Lets Remove HER name from the school !!!

  13. Other than the standard juvenile dum dum anti-michelle commentary, what exactly is your problem with this? The evidence marking Wilson as a racist is quite clear and well known to anyone who has taken the time to read. Sheesh people, just because you chose NOT to do your research, doesn't mean other people are wrong for expressing their more informed opinions.

  14. Has anyone read that Star-Trek-salt-vampire's Princeton thesis? It was a garbled, semi-literate mess that was basically a big, long, PARANOID-TO-THE-POINT OF PSYCHOSIS diatribe against white people, with a victim mentality you could smell from the outer planets. It looked like something written by a stupid, baby-tantrum small child. And that ugly, scowling water buffalo of a man/woman THING has the literacy level of an AOL message board......and anyone that's been to that AOL cyber trailer park knows that is really, REALLY saying something.

  15. Well he was a racist and a anti semite and cowered to the League of Nations which has evolved into the NWO. His peevish and uptight disposition resulted in a stroke and his wife basically ran the country. So in fact we have already had a lady POTUS......long before Mrs. Reagan.

  16. 249 only President's who were actually racist were targeted. If you knew your history you would know that Wilson was a known racist even in his own time. We've have plenty of folks in power over the years that were racist. That is exactly the point when folks speak about systemic racism. If it wasn't for people in power who were racists then we wouldn't have had multiple centuries of slavery + decades of Jim Crow law. Duh

    1. I am not saying that the words people have used in the past are right but what I am sick of is the reverse racism that is being allowed now in our country. Slavery was not exclusively white owning blacks in the US. Slavery was in existence long before this country was settled. It doesn't mean it was right. Keep in mind Africans were capturing each other to sell into slavery. If you don't believe me try reading the story of Oludah Equiano or Roots.
      I am just really sick of being called a white b**ch by others who do not know me as a person when I abhor the use of the "n" word. My rant was not so much at Wilson being targeted but more of a who's next. Protesters/terrorists even targeted a statue of Lincoln paid for with the first dollars earned by freed slaves. Are you saying that is fair or right?
      And before you want to call me out on my history I suggest you check your grammar...."We've have...." REALLY!

  17. He is an ass. (map)

  18. Michelle or Michael no one cares what you do or say just trying to grab every fading moment of Media attention. Take hubby and to the basement with you.

  19. Obama was the biggest racist president this country ever had.

    1. He set this country back decades in racism...from the opposite direction!

  20. Oh, yeah, she used to be a lawyer.

  21. I can't wait for the day Her or His husband is erased from history. I hope I am alive to see it.


  22. Woodrow Wilson was President of Princeton in an era when there were many less colleges, and Princeton was part of the very select Ivy League. Was Governor of New Jersey. Was President of USA for two terms including our entry into WW1, and his advocacy for the League of Nations. Those are just facts. Not here to defend or pillory him.

    Princeton knew what his policies and philosophies were when they put his name on their school. They did it because they thought it reflected well on Princeton, and would draw students and funding while generating prestige.

    Flash forward to today when the mob has cowed managers, owners, administrators on an ad hoc basis to erase any aspect of our joint past they can find to take issue with no matter how flimsy the pretext. We should stop and think this through before proceeding.

    If someone past or present did or said something illegal, let's get educated about that to avoid it going forward. Same for unpopular or controversial topics and opinions.

    We saw what was up when Stalin had pictures retouched; only those under his thumb were fooled. Knocking down statues has the same effect; better to use something you disagree with as a visual learning aid to accentuate your point.

    On a related note, seems to me that having military bases named in honor of officers who took up arms against our country was never a good idea, and still isn't. We'd probably find Democrats behind most of the names as a look back to the rebels. So what to substitute? Gave that some thought, and you can't please everyone.

    1) Name for signatories to the Declaration of Independence, chosen in the order they signed. If a federal military facility bears their name already, next man up. We know some drank, some smoked, some paddled their kids and some owned slaves. They still signed; that's the salient fact. Or,

    2) Name for past presidents, in order of service, after they have passed. If it's a duplicate (for example carriers), skip to the next. Yep, it means someday there may be a Fort Obama or a Fort Trump. Deal with it.

    Suggestions 1 & 2 sidestep any PC crap by sticking to facts visible to all.

    Happy Fourth of July! We're the most fortunate humans ever to live because we can say and celebrate that day and this.


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