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Wednesday, July 15, 2020

LA teachers union wants schools to stay closed until they defunding the police


  1. Yeah 134, but at the end of the day, the idiots are in control. Sick out, no kids get taught. Bus drivers sick out, no kids get to school.

    The minority becomes the majority in our nation today.

    Sad - indeed.

  2. 2:11 You and the rest let it get this way so!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. More evidence that liberalfilth are walking colonoscapies gone wrong.

  4. 335. Swing and your point was missed?

  5. Delay school until all cops are gone. Who are you going to call when 5 year Susie doesn't come home from school and no one has seen her. The weather man right - get real people before it too late for Susie.

  6. Why are teachers who don't need to teach still being paid?????


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