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Wednesday, July 01, 2020


Written by Bill Marcy :

I just watched the Democratic leaders of Congress kneel in the halls of Congress for about 9 minutes for the death of a black man named George Floyd.
I have never seen them kneel for a fallen police Officer.

I have never seen them kneel for a fallen soldier.

I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of aborted babies

I have never seen them kneel for a murdered white man or woman.

I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of black on black murder victims

I have never seen them kneel for the thousands of elderly people that died in our nursing homes due to the Corona Virus.

I have to ask WHY are Democrats putting the life of George Floyd as more valuable than the lives of everyone else.

In fact Democrats have put so much value on the life of George Floyd they have allowed rioting looting and arson and murder and mayhem in communities.

What about the 11 police officers killed by rioters nationwide?


  1. It fits their narrative. Unless it promotes their addenda you won't see them lift a finger, unless the purpose is to distract from them while they pursue their addenda. Like a magician intrigues with one hand while he steals your wallet with the other.

  2. AMEN! Well stated...

  3. Pandering,disgraceful scumbags.

  4. Yet again. More moving the goal posts.

    More changing the meaning and intent and skewing it to be something other than what it is.

    THIS kind of rhetoric is what is the problem with America. We talk past each other, and not with each other.

    No one tries to understand the other, it becomes purely politicized to fit a narrative and agenda that has nothing to do with the original intention.

    This is what is destroying America.

  5. Amen!! The Democrats are lost

  6. There is no basement for these people.

  7. More division and hate from the right. If no one's life is more important than anyone else's why does the president have secret service protection paid for by my dime?

    1. Same reason all your nutjob lefty heroes are afforded the taxpayer funded protection.

  8. The Democrats do not care about anything but their agenda. We the people are nothing to them. We don't travel in their circle of elites. They look down upon us as peasants. Name one of the leading Democrats that ever held a job that wasn't in government. (Not talking about bartenders) Name one that has ever been responsible for making payroll at the end of the week. The Democrats are leaches that do nothing but suck the life out of others. To answer your question the Democrats did not kneel for those you listed because they despise those who put others before themselves.

  9. have they ever knelled for a President?

  10. in a word; pandering

  11. Bob Aswell....RealistJuly 1, 2020 at 10:18 AM

    Look who you're dealing with. Pelosi bubbling at the mouth like a soft crab, Nadler with pants under arm pits and so fat he couldn't kneel, Schummer with his crying towel, what a motley crew. These idiots have been there so long they're covered with moss like a turtle. Are these the models the rioters want in charge? Yes, because they're desperate to have the Congress on their side and knowing there will be no action, because this Country is being traded for 'the votes for dolts' program. These old geezers will do anything for a vote. They're not as smart as Nero the fiddler because he at least did something constructive while Rome burned. It's everywhere from OC to LA. These subversives are being stoked by the Dimocratic Party with financial aid from Colleges and other liberal slobs like George Soros.
    I can't see why this Countries people can't realize voting for idiots is an exercise in madness and counterproductive. The politicians have seeded the idea that everyone should be equal--poor and docile while they live off the fat of the land and call the shots. All in the name of power and the aura of being in charge. BLM members, you are the real slaves because you've allowed the scum above to out think you and you have become a pawn in their game. The day will come when the light bulb will glow in your heads and you'll realize you've been played. See how much more you really have once these leeches take their cut and give you back crumbs that 'you should be happy with'. Little I suspect. Don't you get tired of doing their dirty work?
    Is it worth it to ravage this Country when the real fault for Floyd's death is in the Capital building? The occupants have failed to produce any results for over 30 years toward police reform because the power is in the police for them. They do their dirt under police protection where you can't touch them.Then they give you dissidents a social program giveaway and they know you'll be satisfied. I've exposed their vote buying game for you and the tokens they hand out so now you know...will you be smart enough to put pressure where needed and work against the ruling class instead of the common man?

  12. Well stated but we all know the truth is they support BLM and like to stir the pot any opportunity they can it's all about the 2020 election. All the listed items would have been a good reason to kneel or pray in congress, good list and well stated but they don't care about people really just their own agenda.

  13. Blk is not a race organization. They are marxist. The pecking order goes democracy, socialism, marxist and communism. It is easier to cut the head off the snake now while we see our already socialist nation advancing to marxism. The following change will be to communism and I see few nations, if any ever escape communism

    1. 10:23
      Not at all easy

      How would one go about cutting the head off of the Federal Reserve Bank?

  14. Bowing to marxism, the new democrooks god.

  15. It's called shameless political theater, with a Kente cloth wardrobe.

    They're scraping the barrel for the votes of the people who don't know that they are being had by Democrats. Nothing that they do led by Headmistress Pelosi is genuine or heartfelt. It's a stage and she's the diva.
    They sold blacks up the river two centuries ago and have been buying their votes since the day they could vote.

  16. Yet again. More moving the goal posts.

    More changing the meaning and intent and skewing it to be something other than what it is.

    THIS kind of rhetoric is what is the problem with America. We talk past each other, and not with each other.

    No one tries to understand the other, it becomes purely politicized to fit a narrative and agenda that has nothing to do with the original intention.

    This is what is destroying America.

    1. 10:29
      Me and You (We) are not destroying America.
      Wake up pal

      You have done nothing wrong.
      Take the mask off and breathe some fresh air

  17. @ July 1, 2020 at 10:29 AM

    Shameless political theater huh? Similar to Trump posing for a photo op in front of a Church (that objected to him doing it) and holding a bible (not HIS, A bible... and upside down) up in the air.

    Something like that? Would you call that "scraping the barrel for votes" that don't know they are being had by Trump (can't say Republicans, he's loosing their support too).

  18. When "ALL LIVES MATTER" is not in the discussions then there will never be a resolution.

    BLM, CAIR and the ANARCHIST claim they are the only groups matter is because they want everything for nothing.

  19. @ July 1, 2020 at 10:17 AM

    In a word: Pandering? Sort of like Trumps photo op in front of a Church that objected to his intentions and him being there?

    We have to be better than this. If we condemn one side, we must the other. There is no alternative. Personally, I want them all out.

  20. Dirty Democrats will be Kneeling to Real Americans > Republicans 2020

  21. The eight years of Obama, countless years of a Democrat led House of Representatives, and now police reform is an issue. What is wrong with these people? They had the power and pissed it away for a sideshow.

  22. 10:33 Trump will crush Biden. That you can take to the bank. You need to get your safe place ready for a four year shelter in place lol. The church did not have a thing to do with liking or not liking what Trump did. It was Liberals Liberals that had no right or stake in the church. That building belongs to God and I did not hear him say a thing about it. That is the problem with you Libtards constantly over valuing your place in this this world.

    1. 1:17
      Are you counting the votes?

  23. Kneeling is submission

  24. @ July 1, 2020 at 1:17 PM

    What's so very telling, is your rhetoric, and knee jerk assumptions about who I am. In fact, I am a Republican who voted FOR Trump the first time around.

    Your specific language, parroted from your preferred media entertainment source, is merely a script that allows you to not have to actually address the issue, or think on the issue, or notice any nuance. You are EXACTLY what I originally referred to, and it is that kind of language that is destroying America.

    While you may assert "that building belongs to God", that God was dead silent on the issue. In fact, is noticeably absent from most everything. In said absence, I will defer to the leaders of that Church, whom I am certain would say they have a personal relationship with that deity, and they get special revelation from it. Trump was pandering in a photo op, and it is obvious. This is also the problem with America, we condemn the other team but have blinders on when it comes to our own... as you have so brilliantly displayed.

    I do not think Trump wins as all this November, and "crushing" isn't even worth noting. Have you payed any attention to the polls? His polls are abysmal. Down as much as 14-16%, down in almost all swing states. Remember, Hillary was polling at about 3% above Trump and she won the most votes by 2%, within the margin of error. Thankfully, we have an Electoral College to ensure equal representation of the states or Hillary WOULD have won. Polling numbers are relatively accurate and Trump is getting shellacked in the polls. I wouldn't be touting Trump as crushing anything.

    Republicans are distancing themselves from Trump, there is even a Republican PAC dedicated to stopping Trumps re-elections.

    My advise, take a rest from the rhetoric, and start actually learning about the issues.


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