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Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Joe Biden: Women ‘Have Never Had a Fair Shot to Get Ahead,’ Especially Minorities

Former Vice President Joe Biden claimed women “never had a fair shot” in America while specifically identifying “women of color” as uniquely disadvantaged, making his allegation in a policy document released on Monday via Medium titled “The Biden Agenda for Women.”

Despite being published under his name, the document refers to Biden in the third person. The document includes 224 instances of the word “women.”

The hard truth is women — and particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country. That's why today, I'm releasing my plan to make sure women can fully participate in our economy and country. https://t.co/vUWUanQAR0

— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) July 27, 2020

Biden wrote:

Joe Biden is going to build our country back better after this economic crisis and that includes ensuring we get closer to full inclusion of and equality for women. Women — particularly women of color — have never had a fair shot to get ahead in this country. Today, too many women are struggling to make ends meet and support their families, and are worried about the economic future for their children. This was true before the COVID-19 crisis, but the current global health crisis has exacerbated these realities for women.

For Biden, it’s a simple proposition: his daughter is entitled to the same rights and opportunities as his sons. He believes every issue is a women’s issue — health care, the economy, education, national security — but women are also uniquely and disproportionately impacted by many policies. As President, Biden will pursue an aggressive and comprehensive plan to further women’s economic and physical security and ensure that women can fully exercise their civil rights.



  1. Right out of the dumbocrat lies playbook.

  2. Look at the comments shared by you idiots when they do something like change their hairstyle. If you don't think this is a problem you're part of the problem.

  3. So what has he done in 50 to fix it ? Crime bill? Super predators yup I agree with him and Hillary

  4. 11:01 spoken like a true white, male.

  5. Tell me why Viagra is funded with taxpayer money but birth control is not?

  6. Conservatives cling to a book that literally says womens place is at home and that they can't speak in a church so...

  7. Democrats largely voted against womens suffrage in 1919. However take note that Democrats and Republicans switched around 1930 so the Democrats of 1919 were the modern day Republicans.

  8. Kamala Harris didn’t get new teeth, cheek implants, mini face lift, acid face skin peal and major Botox during a lock down for nothing. She will 100 percent be the vp. First 25 percent black female who was raised in Canada and grandparents owned slaves.

  9. Plenty of research and data on this topic from highly skilled experts that backs this claim. Women who have been successful have been able to move forward in spite of these barriers, but that doesn't mean the barriers don't exist. Unless you have taken time to actually study the issue and the available data, sit back and keep your mouth shut. Your same ol tired uninformed lines (see 1101) have just grown tiresome.

  10. How much legislation has Mr. BIDEN ever introduced and seen enacted since the early 70's when he was first elected?
    I will wait for the volumes to show accomplishments.

  11. Sounds like AOC and the SQUAD wrote this

  12. Says the Idiot who is picking his running mate on gender and race vs qualifications

  13. Where was Biden 30 years ago. He has had that long and now he has a plan. Women don't be suckered in. Promises he never keeps.

  14. Creepy Pedo Joe will put his hands on the problem and shove them forward. He is the Hands on guy for them. He has always touched on the problem and put his finger into things.

  15. So that she can be as corrupt as Hunter?

  16. Coming from the same guy who instructed women to urinate themselves if they're being raped to make themselves less desirable to the rapist

  17. Well Mr Biden should know not everyone can "get ahead".
    Getting Ahead implies someone else has "fallen behind".

    Am I right, or am I right, right, right?

    (reference to Groundhog Day)

  18. Like he gives a flyin' rat's ass.

  19. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

    Ahhhh ZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz phart.....



  20. Sure they did Joe. You sniffed enough of the afro Sheen. Plus you letting them rub the hair on your legs you freaking pervert.

  21. He must be thinking of those 8 years that he and Barry Hussein were in the White House, you know, when unemployment among minority women was the highest it had ever been in the history of our United States!

  22. In his 46 years of government service, the women who were pawed and sniffed by Biden stood a better chance of getting a government job or advancing in the system. Is that the inequity he's talking about?

  23. Biden didn’t write that....FAKE NEWS.....it’s more than one sentence, no way stumbling Joe wrote it!!!

  24. Wow, again with the 'fighting for women' pledges that come from Democrats every election year. Eight years of Obama, eight years of the Clintons, eight years of Hillary in the Senate, all with the same promises to women, but with nothing to show for those years or the years between when the House was/is controlled by Democrats. Nothing.

    Why weren't those years filled with the buzz of the industry of sweeping change and enhanced opportunity for women instead of the sound of the promises drawer being closed and latched for another three years?

    This parroting by Biden of the same tired lines, barely coherently delivered, is not new, and its message is not real; there is no 'plan', there never was. Being repeatedly lied to withe the same unfulfilled promises year after year by Democrats should anger women, not send them to the polls to ask to be ignored again.


  25. Anything released over Biden's signature is someone else's work. That's not a major change for him; he was expelled from Syracuse Law for a year for plagiarism, and then dropped a previous White House run for plagiarism of a British politician's ideas.

    Joe had a few active brain cells in those previous but no more. It's unclear if he can still pick his nose let alone ideas or a VP candidate.

    I'm betting on Tulsi making a return; conspicuously quiet recently, National Guard resume, from Socialist Republic of Hawaii, minority, female, Congress critter, folks were focusing on her appearance rather than her toeing the party line. Heard it here first.

  26. creepy joe has been a politician for 50 years including a stint as VP and he couldn`t fix any of these things that he is now complaining about, so why should i believe that he is now competent and capable of fixing these things after failing to fix them for the past 50 years? 50 years of failing to fix the problems makes creepy joe part of the problem not part of the solution.

  27. So, all of these now-brilliant democrats who have been in Congress (MAKING THELAWS!) now have brilliant "plans" (they are so good at "plans"!!) to fix what they NEVER ADDRESSED as lawmakers, when they had the chance and the power to act.
    But NOW, they MUST give women a chance. Minorities MUST be helped. Schools MUST be improved!.
    And guess what? After watching this mess for 40 years and doing nothing, as the President, you will have fantastic "plans"??
    Your credibility is absolutely ZERO.
    I'll even venture to say that YOU are PART OF THE PROBLEM!
    Listen to MSNBC and hear that biden is leading Trump by double digits in every state. In fact, even in foreign countries, biden is more popular than Christ.
    In the end, they will cry again.

    Keep cheering.


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