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Saturday, July 04, 2020

"If the president is removed from office..." - Vito Antinarella


  1. As a Trump supporter, I agree. Don’t want this to happen, but he is correct. Being a supporter I’m in the circle of supporters and have been hearing that sentiment for some time. If it does happen, I don’t feel sorry for the resisting trash that has been a throne in our side for years. Same as that blm trash. I don’t go around all day thinking I sure hate blacks. I treat people the way they treat me. But everyday working people are fed up with that crowd also. This guy has a reasonable message.

    1. This man speaks for MILLIONS. Not just whites, he speaks for whites, blacks, latinos, asians, christians, news, believers, and non believers, and many others! Hard working, Tax paying, CITIZENS, that have stayed SILENT waiting for law and order, and OUR elected officials to protect us, but so far have done nothing! But they will ONLY be silent until ANYBODY, or ANY government comes to strip them of their GOD GIVEN rights! At that time, the SILENCE will stop! I suggest everyone spend THIS Independence Day with folks they love, and remembering and thanking if all who've given ALL providing us with our freedoms, and look at the GOOD of this country, as this may the last Independence Day we have as a FREE NATION. God Bless America!

    2. Well said Desert Dawg...

  2. They better take notice.

  3. Ohhhh the civil war is COMING.

    1. A new American civil war is exactly what they want in order to divide & conquer America & start their new one world government which will enslave & control EVERYONE!

  4. This guy speaks for MILLIONS of tax payers, working family's, veterans, first responders, old, young, black, white, hispanic, asian, christians, jews, atheists, and even some very discouraged moderates in this country! Almost ALL of whom, DON'T ever want it to get to that point, but having to endure EVERY day, the RELENTLESS HATE, lies, intentional division, slander etc from the Democrats, and the media, and the far left "wanna be communists" its a VERY REAL possibility! These Patriots this man is referring to are honest, hard working, look law abiding CITIZEN'S that have stayed QUIET, they haven't stirred the pot, knowing that that's not productive. They've tried over & over again to let our laws, and judicial system, and our elected officials take responsibility, and let the Constitution work ad it was intended, BUT it hasn't...and our officials have NOT lived up to their OATH'S OF OFFICE, so IF they continue to care MORE about their HATE for our President than they care about the safety and success of OUR nation, than YES....This could happen, and the biggest "wish" the left has been pushing (tearing thus nation apart)just may happen!

  5. I couldn't have said it better myself! He is right on.

  6. Those that need to be taken out are easy to identify.

  7. "When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny."

    1. OATH KEEPERS for LIFEJuly 4, 2020 at 10:20 PM

      Those little cloth foul mouth Antifa punks

      are about to get a real ass WHIPPING

  8. The civil war is now! Look at the number of gun background checks in June.

    1. To add to your comment, yes, look at the law abiding citizens, all of whom are able to purchase and possess firearms, doing so with fervor. The largest army in the world is the U. S. Citizenry. All it will take is the next “shot heard ‘round the world.”

  9. I only hope that Vito is 100% right on. The make believe peaceful demonstrators and BLM have no clue of the size of the silent majority in this country, all we need right about now is for someone to stand up and lead the silent Majority against this upside down thinking minority that has been systematically destroying what took hundreds of years to accomplish. A civil war is brewing.

  10. Heart breaking
    Too close to the truth not to stir ones spirit.

  11. They are going to find out that the world is a lot bigger than a TV screen.


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