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Thursday, July 09, 2020

Governor Hogan Directs State Board of Elections to Conduct November General Election With Enhanced Voting Options

Early Voting Centers, Polling Places Should Be Open; Absentee Ballot Request Applications Should Be Mailed To All Eligible VotersState Will Encourage Early Voting, Absentee Voting By Mail, and Voting At Off-Peak Times as Safe and Efficient OptionsApproach Will Maximize Participation and Minimize Confusion and Risk During COVID-19 PandemicState Pledges Staffing and PPE Support for Early Voting Centers and Polling Places
ANNAPOLIS, MDWith 118 days until the November general election, and given the State Board of Elections’ (SBE) failure to provide a recommendation on how to conduct the election, Governor Larry Hogan today directed the Board to follow existing state law and conduct the election with enhanced voting options in light of the COVID-19 pandemic:
  • Every early voting center should be open and every polling location should be open on Election Day to accommodate anyone who wishes to cast their ballot safely and in person.
  • To ensure that every Marylander who wants to vote by mail can vote by mail, SBE should promptly send out an absentee ballot request application to every eligible Maryland voter.
  • Every effort should be made to promote early voting, absentee voting by mail, and voting at off-peak times as safe and efficient options. 
“The fundamental responsibility of the State Board of Elections is to conduct free and fair elections in a manner that facilitates maximum voter participation,” wrote Governor Hogan. “This approach—which is already fully authorized by existing state law—will maximize participation in the November election by offering voters more options while minimizing confusion and risk during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
In addition, the governor informed SBE that the state will encourage state employees to help supplement election staffing needs, and provide any necessary personal protective equipment (PPE). Polling places should follow CDC guidelines and public health protocols, and stress the importance of proper sanitization, physical distancing, and face coverings.
The governor urged the Board to avoid a politicized process as it moves forward.
“While I know you have been inundated with suggestions from political leaders in both parties and special interest groups to change the electoral process, this discussion should not be subject to undue partisanship or political influence,” wrote Governor Hogan. “Providing citizens with accessible, accountable, and transparent ways to cast their ballot is an essential component of our democratic republic and your primary responsibility.”


  1. Yeah....that will work really well in PG and monkey Counties....Larry on the Fence. Also see u making the rounds on national TV. 2024 eh Lar..


  2. Safe? For whom?

  3. Hogan, I can't believe you are allowing absentee voting ballots to be sent to every registered voter. That's exactly what the Democrats want and you just gave it to them. I'm ashamed to call you a Republican. You need to just change parties because you already act like a Democrat!

    1. I said it from his beginning as governor, Hogan is a R.I.N.O. Pure and simple!

  4. larry the loser and his brownshirts! defund dnr now!

  5. I never received a primary ballot.

  6. Told you better start packing get the hell out the state quick.

    That's why I refuse to send in my census. I'm sure they counted enough illegals account for me 3 times. Taxation without representation that's what you get in Maryland

  7. Ripe for voter fraud...RINO Larry strikes again..

  8. I don't agree with a lot of things hogan has done or not done since being governor, but I think this is the correct decision for MD voters

  9. This needs to be immediately challenged in court. Oh, wait. Courts are closed.
    Let's just hand the vote over to the Democrats.

  10. You dummies are on here talking all this blatant and subliminal racist crap. Monkey counties? Maryland is majority DEMOCRAT and that God for that. If you don't like it, move to SC or some other poor southern red state. Republicans have done nothing for red states but keep them poor. Low wages, poor educational systems, lack of healthcare, low property values etc. The Easter Shore does not dictate the rest of the state. You don't have the resources or the population. Donald Trump himself voted by mail in ballot. If it was good enough for him and the military, it's good enough for all Americans.

    1. Confused much? Those things you mentioned sounds like city of Baltimore, run by Democrats for Decades, right? No wonder people are leaving that place in droves. No wonder DEMs are pushing for Mail In Ballots, that's the only chance they got, and very small at that.

  11. Lockdown Larry Caved to Democrats Again. Always bends backwards when the wind blows, no spine, no balls. Just another member of D.C. Swamp.


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