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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Fresh evidence Obama ordered up the phony Russiagate scandal

Files unsealed in the final stages of Michael Flynn’s years-long court struggle reveal a real stunner — confirmation that President Barack Obama played a central role in foisting the whole phony Russiagate “scandal” on the country.

Notes handwritten by (now disgraced) FBI agent Peter Strzok show Obama, with then-Veep Joe Biden playing along, encouraging the FBI and Justice Department’s investigation of Flynn, even as they were told his actions “appear legit.”

The document, plainly Strzok’s notes of FBI chief Jim Comey’s account, offer more details of the Jan. 5, 2017, Oval Office meeting of Obama, Biden, Comey, National Security Adviser Susan Rice and Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates.

On learning that the FBI was set to close its investigation into Flynn after finding no evidence of wrongdoing, Obama and Biden suggested finding ways to keep it open, with Biden bringing up the (dead letter) Logan Act.

More, the notes have Obama ordering the continued investigation be kept secret from the incoming president and his people: “Make sure you look at things and have the right people on it.”

In the new administration, holdovers Comey and Yates did manage to take out Flynn, sidelining any effective White House oversight of the rogue Russiagate probe — and allowing it to metastasize.



  1. He'll look so sophisticated in an orange suit with bracelets. Let's hope for that change!

  2. Steny Hoyer is no better than Elijah Cummings!!! Both are pieces of SHIT except one has crossed over the rainbow bridge already!! One more to go you Dumocrat!

  3. Obama did not want to give up the Presidency - hence, we now have Biden - a puppet for Obama.

  4. Justice, please.

  5. Obama , the leader of BLM , ANTIFA , and all that's wicked . He is satanic or even satan himself . I vote to put out this fife before it spreads even more.
    He hates America , he hates whites , his religion is Muslim , they hate everyone who are not muslims.

  6. Obama also arranged for Trump’s advisors to give him false information so it would appear that he is always lying. They also gave him information that the pandemic was the flu and showed him convincing evidence that Putin was a real good friend that always acts in his best interest.

  7. They, Obama and Biden, are complicit...the media knows it, and now the world knows it. It's an ugly truth that can no longer be denied.

  8. We already know. You would have to be from outter space to not know. But the libutards minions are all throughout the justice system. They hope President Trump looses. Then all this goes away.

  9. NOTHING will ever happen to O for his deeds.

    BLM come to mind?

  10. The damn black snake needs prison time, period.

  11. So why spend as much time investigating the origin of those involved in creating the scandal of RUSSIA, as the time they spent not proving any wrong doing? Nothing will go beyond the investigation when the hoax is proven and the bad actors revealed. You can bet if “they” had proved the hoax wasn’t a hoax and actually something “they” made up or not, there would still be charges and indictments flying around. As Trump said early “lock her up”. Well do so along with the past occupiers of our White House. My party is a lot of hot air and chicken shit, smell it?

  12. Gitmo here I come.

  13. Yeah, yeah,yeah.

  14. Bill Barr not interested in it. Biden is the most dirty politician to ever run for the White House ( well besides Hillary). He can’t pass a typical vetting process but soon it is very possible he will have his hands on nuclear weapons and our tax money. Sic

  15. Move on ,....Trump was exonerated , Trump said

  16. And people who are demanding right and are tearing down monuments if people they have zero clue about, are to stupid to understand what this means. The rich get richer. Middle class will fade. Slavery is alive and well.

  17. We knew all along, hillary is knee deep in it as well. What is supposed to happen to traitors of our country. I do believe it is death, and if not it should be

  18. And you wonder why Pelosie is stirring the pot?

  19. Lock all those crooked bastards up and throw Hilary in with them to wash their dirty underwear and cook for them.


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