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Thursday, July 23, 2020

Executive Bob Culver Announces Federal Aviation Administration Acceptance of Airport Master Plan for Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport

On July 7, 2020, the Salisbury-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport received notification from the U. S. Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) of their approval of the Airport Layout Plan (ALP) and acceptance of the Airport Master Plan narrative that was prepared by Delta Airport Consultants in coordination with the airport. The Airport Master Plan serves as a comprehensive plan for overall development of the airport campus.

The main focus of the plan concentrates on extending the primary runway up to 7800 feet in length to support current operations by Piedmont Airlines that are weight restricted due to the existing 6400 foot runway. Future operational benefits will also be realized once the construction has been completed.

The Airport Master Plan outlines both near-term and longer- range airport development based on forecasting data as well as input from the airport, its' users, and the community it serves. Development in the next twenty years included projects such as a new Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting facility, a new airport maintenance and equipment storage building, new hangars for storage of private or corporate aircraft, a new fuel farm, aircraft cargo, maintenance, and manufacturing facilities, expanded parking, solar generation sites, and new taxiways and aircraft parking areas.

To expedite the runway extension project, the airport is currently preparing an Environmental Assessment (EA) to evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the proposed development. Construction could then begin upon preparation of a final EA document and issuance of a Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) by the FAA, and the acquisition of the required federal, state and local permits and approvals. The EA is to be prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and local and state environmental regulations.

Wicomico County Extends its gratitude to Federal and State officials who were supportive during Master Planning process.

Date: July 22, 2020

Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver Announces the Appointment of Anthony M. Rudy as Sby-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport Manager

Anthony M. Rudy has been appointed and confirmed as Airport Manager, effective July 21, 2020. Mr. Rudy comes to Wicomico County with many years' experience of working with airport management. He has a certification of Accredited Airport Executive Certification (A.A.E.).

Prior to being hired in Wicomico County as Assistant Airport Manager, he was Director of Operations and Airport Security Coordinator in Chemung County, New York. He also served as an Assistant Airport Manager and held other positions at three other airports.

Mr. Rudy holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Aviation Management/Flight Operations with concentrations in Management & Leadership Studies/ Flight Training.

He has many memberships along with the A.A.E. including is a member of New York Aviation Management Association. Mr. Rudy has completed multiple disaster and emergency related State certified courses. He has been a private pilot since May 1986.


  1. Still talking about this Useless airport??

  2. And congratulations to Anthony M Rudy for being the highest paid employee in Wicomico County at $122,570. Can you imagine that? The roll of airport manager is so critical to the overall, day to day, operations of Wicomico County that it warrants the highest paid salary.

  3. I can see it becoming a military installation in the future and Salisbury becoming a military town. We certainly have plenty of housing around here

  4. 10:39 - Useless...until Fake Day and his cronies along with Bob Culver and his cronies get their heads out of their butts to work together to reduce crime and improve the downtown/region in order to bring businesses back... Then tourists might start to come back here for Ocean City/Rehoboth/etc.

    1. Nobody is coming here. Those days are gone. All the crybabies chased all the professionals away. We had a great group of people here about 8 years ago. Professionals who actually helped the City become better. But that wasn't good enough. So we all came here and bashed their reputation. So they left. Now look what we have?? No. Wicomico county and SALISBURY are done. All they have is an ASININE University with section 8 attending.

  5. ok so several question now have come to mind. piedmont airlines weight restricted because of the length of the runway? I call BS! those little rj's have no problem using the current length of runway. and the only reason they would be weight restricted would be for the amount of fuel on board, but since they do not fly coast to coast this isnt really a problem for the current route structure to philly and charlotte. If they are putting in a new fire rescue station who's going to man it? who's gonna pay for those manning it? piedmont personnel did so in the past and that's been a joke of an operation so who's gonna man it properly? also if a new fuel farm is being installed who's gonna make sure the taxpayers are reimbursed for this expense as bayland sells all the fuel at the airport? so is bayland going to get free use of this fuel farm to make a profit off the taxpayers? new aircraft hangars for who? most of them sit empty now. cargo and manufacturing facilities? for who? fedex has their own facility so who's going to use this cargo facility? new maintenance facilities? for who? Piedmont is a shell of what it once was and they already get their facilities for pennies on the dollar for what it really should cost for a hangar lease of that size hangar. Not sure but I am not aware of anyone wanting to set up any type of manufacturing facility to produce parts or systems there. so again, who is getting all these sweetheart deals? one thing you can bet on is there are people already in place to profit from these sweetheart deals at taxpayer expense!
    inquiring minds want to know!

    1. Not to worry 8:27. Remember, the airport just received a CARES grant for $18,000,000 from the USA government (tax payer funded). BHAA HAA HAA HAA HAA!!!!

    2. I flew on Allegiant Airlines twice when they were flying 150 passenger DC9s nonstop between Salisbury and Orlando. Each flight was packed full and never had a problem using the runway at Salisbury. This airport has become a money sucking black hole under the so called leadership of dawn Vectch who quit as airport manager after only 3 years.

  6. Let's be reasonable. If you get a $18m grant, compliments of the taxpayers (their grand children), you have to spend the money somewhere. Why not start with expanding salaries, of preferred hires. We have to find somewhere to stash the cash. Have you not heard, air travel is down 80%!

  7. They need an Airport Manager that actually knows something about airports....might be the best place to start!!

    1. “needs an airport manager that actually knows something about airport(???)”. What’s there too know. The airport manager is nothing more than a glorified grounds keeper.

    2. Why?? The city and county have had plenty of professional leader's here. What did we all do?? Came to this blog and tried to ruin their reputation. We don't deserve professionals. We have exactly what we deserve.

      HAPPY NOW??

  8. Who conducted the appointment and confirmation of the new Airport Manager Anthony M. Rudy??

    1. Appointed by Bob Culver, confirmed by unanimous vote by the Wicomico County Council during this past Tuesday’s meeting. All done properly within the rules of the Wicomico County Charter.

  9. What is so funny about this Press Release by our glorious County Executive Bob Culver is he hates Salisbury so much that he identifies the name of the airport as the SBY-Ocean City-Wicomico Regional Airport. Culver can’t even bring himself to say, or write, the name Salisbury in a silly Press Release. What a childish fool.

  10. I have heard that the "Wicomico County vs. Bay Land Aviation" case has been dismissed. I'm glad that Pat Nelms had the fortitude to stand up to the bully on the playground... good riddance Veatch.

  11. Give it a rest 11:25, I'm not a fan of the local politics either especially with you and your fellow democratic wackjob perverts around here!

  12. 9:39 go play with your box of rocks....that the thought process that has turned it into the black hole!!!

  13. Bob Cuver is a straight up Jerk!

  14. Bob Culver is an ignorant fool who knows nothing about his County Executive position or the Charter and has proven to all of us he knows nothing but how to get those good old benefits and paycheck. NOT ONE MORE TERM BOB!!!

  15. Bob Culver taking care of his buddies again. First it is John Psota and now Anthony Rudy! Both have a $120.000 a year pay raise to their accounts! Nice Quid Pro Quo definitely going on here Bob!! Inquiring minds and Taxpayers need to know.....

  16. Hey "Appointed by Bob Culver, confirmed by unanimous vote by the Wicomico County Council during this past Tuesday's meeting, All done properly within the rules of the Wicomico County Charter," this is the first time you have properly abided by the County Charter, Bob! No count Executive!!

  17. Time to Defund the Wicomico County Executive's Office!


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