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Saturday, July 18, 2020

EXCLUSIVE: Democrat Fundraising Machine ‘ActBlue Texas’ Caught Paying Out Small Sums to Hundreds of Individuals for Unknown Purposes

The Gateway Pundit reported on May 30th the recent riots in Democrat-led cities around the country were coordinated and related to three main groups: 1) US based Islamist Organizations, 2) Domestic terrorists, and 3) Others related to the Democrat Party.

There clearly was no reason for the mass riots taking place around the country after the death of the individual at the hands of the police in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Everyone who saw the police brutality was appalled and outraged at the sight of the policeman kneeling on the victims neck for an incredibly long period of time. The man died. But nothing warrants the wholesale destruction of property, the murder and and riots around the US since that event.



  1. They are guns for hire. It's a felony to pay anyone to commit crimes.

  2. DUH, riot pay. Yathink we're stupid?

  3. Many local democrats have donated to ActBlue. Accountants, lawyers etc. They should remember this article and realize the FEC reports every donor. I certainly would never do business with a professional who has donated to this America hate group. You can bet on that.

  4. 4% of all donations to BLM goes straight to Actblue. 4% off the top can add up to a lot of money a year. The arm of the Democrat party. Its a money making racket and that's partly why the are defending BLM, they are using them as a fundraiser and to do the dirty work of the party. By any means necessary.

  5. Just another Democrat controlled money laundering group with all of BLM money going through its books. They get a percentage of the money for their political purposes also.


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