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Saturday, July 25, 2020

Epstein floodgates open as judge rules explosive docs detailing Ghislaine Maxwell's sex life can be UNSEALED in Virginia Giuffre's defamation case within a week

A judge today has ordered the unsealing of a vast tranche of documents related toJeffrey Epstein, which could shed light on his friendship with powerful men accused of having sex with his victims.

Judge Loretta Preska said that 80 documents - which will run to hundreds of pages - should be made public within a week.

The documents will include depositions from Ghislaine Maxwell, which could explain her alleged role in Epstein’s sex trafficking operation.



  1. Only a matter of time before known pedo Trump is mplicated. Tick tock.

    1. My ass, go back to sleep snowflake

    2. STFU you must mean Biden Chuck Ellen Hanks on on on

    3. Yeah not the fact that Hilary and bill Bill are on that list and have had numerous people killed to keep their corruption a secret. That's the only hope you morons have is that he's on that list. He's been a great president and has built the economy we have to a high level get you treasonous liberal Democrats just want free stuff and to watch the world burn. Unreal.

    4. You are likely to be exposed before the president. You have a low opinion of the man saving your voice. If he were out of office you would not be able to talk trash without getting thrashed. Tick tock

    5. @12:29 pathetic try of deflection... flight logs show Biden and Clinton went to pedo Island not Trump funny how you ignore that detail... Trump has Epstein thrown out of his club

    6. You shouldn’t troll like that.

    7. I see the same old FAG 12:29 is back with his delusional NARRATIVE. His rainbow xwalks aren't enough. He can't see it from his high-rise in the getto.

  2. 12:29am, very well known pedo Biden will definitely be there right along with Clinton I bet.

  3. Keep dreaming. It's all that you crazy Libs have.

  4. Ha ha 12:29 AM. Are you prepared to eat those words? Your hero Bill "Bubba" Clinton is the one who is going down

  5. To many democrats and Clinton involved in this,no credible information will get out.

  6. 12:29 AM - Let us know how that works out.

  7. I hope the governor of Virginia took a plane ride. He seems like a PEDOPHILE.

  8. It's about time!


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