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Saturday, July 25, 2020

English Dept. vs. English and other commentary

Campus watch: English Dept. vs. English

Among its several “actions in solidarity with Black Lives Matter,” Rutgers University’s English Department will de-emphasize “traditional grammar rules,” reports Alex Frank at The College Fix. In an e-mail celebrating Juneteenth, department head Rebecca Walkowitz, vowed to incorporate “ ‘critical grammar’ into our pedagogy,” which will challenge “the familiar dogma that writing instruction should limit emphasis on grammar/sentence-level issues,” so as not to put students with poor “academic” English backgrounds “at a disadvantage.” Another goal: “decolonizing the Writing Center.” How does lowering standards serve justice? Executive dean Peter March and spokeswoman Dory Devlin didn’t respond to Frank’s request for comment.

Conservative: Blame the Prosecutors, Too

“Democratic mayors, backing Joe Biden, are on the defensive” over President Trump’s threat to send in federal agents to deal with urban violent-crime waves, says The Chicago Tribune’s John Kass. But the worst culprits aren’t always the mayors, but prosecutors often elected with the help of billionaire George Soros: “They promised to empty their jails through the social-justice warrior policy of ‘decarceration.’ They also help give repeat, violent criminals little or no bond when arrested. And in many of the violent cities, the prosecutors have delivered on their promises, not to keep the violent in jail, but to let them out.” In Chicago, for ­example, Cook County State’s Attorney Kim Foxx “reportedly received at least $2 million from a Soros-backed political-action committee.” She has announced she won’t prosecute “peaceful protesters,” including those who normally face charges for “disorderly conduct and curfew violations.” In all, “you can see that something is growing in the big cities: an overwhelming sense of lawlessness.”



  1. Bob Aswell ....RealistJuly 26, 2020 at 6:03 AM

    They may as well because the ones teaching are no less ignorant of grammar and the usage of the English Language than the ones trying to learn.

    I hear people on TV using words like axed, gittin, and muthed which I don't know what the Hell means, all the time from those who are supposed to be bright. Notice the operative word is 'supposed' to be. The educators have an anything is OK attitude and also, "It ain't my job", to the point they've contributed to the execution of the English Language by oral example.

    These so-called hero's (ball players) don't have the mental capacity to construct a sentence of any sense or spell cat. Yet the public thinks ghetto vocal back and fourth is chic or cute. I had a woman ask me who my football "Favs' were and after some careful choice of principles of usage, I told her what she thought was a 'Hero' I thought was a big a damn fool as Biden. I furthermore said I didn't want my children if I had any, to worship the ignorant. I'd rather have them doing manual labor with some education other than their knowledge of the World and its workings, than try to convince the public bouncing a damn ball is any more than chicken soup for the simple minded.
    There s no education today even in higher institutions other than the brain-washing of the student body to infected curriculum leading to the effort to make everyone stupid so no one knows the difference. Don't reward my kid at graduation with a diploma that's drawn on a damn football or liberal communist dogma.

  2. Makes sense to me and I’m a racist

  3. It's academia, who gives an F. No pun intended. They all think they're smarter than non higher Ed people anyway. McDonald's and Wal-Mart will just have more to pick from.


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