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Saturday, July 18, 2020

Dr. Fauci's new coronavirus warning is the scariest one so far

The world is pretty freaked out over coronavirus as it is, but now Dr. Anthony Fauci has come out and said that coronavirus could beat the Spanish Flu -- yeah, the pandemic that killed tens of millions in the early 1900s.

Dr. Fauci said: "If you look at the magnitude of the 1918 pandemic where anywhere from 50 to 75 to 100 million people globally died, that was the mother of all pandemics and truly historic. I hope we don't even approach that with [COVID-19] but it does have the makings of, the possibility of approaching that in seriousness. This is a pandemic of historic proportions. I think we can't deny that fact. It's something I think that when history looks back on it, it will be comparable to what we saw in 1918".

He added: "That was influenza, this is coronavirus, that essentially thrust itself onto the human population. It had two characteristics that are the thing that make it, as I say, 'the perfect storm.' And that is a virus that jumps species, but that almost immediately has an extraordinarily, capable and efficient way of spreading from human to human. Simultaneously with having a considerable degree of morbidity and mortality".



  1. He has little credibility anymore. Too many lies and too many lives lost on his watch.

    1. 209 we're talking about Fauci here, not Trump

  2. Obviously this idiot Fauci doesn't know history or what led to that tragedy, which was also man made.

  3. Total clown show, who is paying that moron off?

  4. A hundred years of improvements in health care are dismissed?

  5. will someone just shut this man up!!! enough already!!!

  6. If the idiots in charge would just let it run its course.

  7. Grouchy Fauci can't be much of a thinker if he has worked in the same government job for 40 years!

  8. For all of the reasons False-ie stated, I believe the virus is a military bioweapon.

  9. Judge people by the company they keep. Too many pictures circulating of Fauci with Obama, Clinton and Gates to be just a coincidence. Fauci is totally deep state. No question there.

  10. Fauci lives off grants that we taxpayers give him every year - of course he will drag it out so that flow of monies does not stop.

  11. Dr. Fauci has a $100 million conflict of interest which is why he was opposing Trump. He is in league with Bill Gates who has pledged $100 million for Fauci to play with. The national Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAID, a division of National Institututes of Health, NIK) I also think he has a stake in the new drug he is talking about. The one that is going to cost so much money.


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