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Sunday, July 26, 2020


The owner of the Purple Moose in Ocean City was recently found deceased allegedly from CIVID 19.


  1. Not good! In this unfortunate case dollars before public health and safety hit home in a very sad way.

    1. Communist troll.

    2. Yes you are so right. I mean working to pay your bills is such a crime that people who are working deserve to die. What kind of logic is that?

    3. All
      1:30 is not a troll
      Just someone who believes the official narrative. A naive person. An idiot.

    4. 1:30 you are a sick individual.

    5. He did not die of Covid 19. All lies. He died of a heart attack not related to covid.

    6. Thank you for setting the record straight 12:46

  2. This has been real for months, yet hits very hard when its someone well known.


    1. At 1:46 pm... well known? Never heard of him.

    2. Popular bar owner in OCMD

  3. Of course he died of covid - everybody does now.

    1. Not everybody knows. How do you know it was Covid?

  4. There are far more people who were unhealthy BEFORE we ever heard of Covid.Just because they hid issues didn't mean they didn't have issues.I did not know Mr Walker,but he is just one of thousands who die daily in the US alone.

  5. Anonymous said...
    Not good! In this unfortunate case dollars before public health and safety hit home in a very sad way.

    July 19, 2020 at 1:30 PM

    As Archie Bunker would say: Will you Stiffal. Modern day: STFU

    1. Right on 2:00

    2. Sorry. I am not familiar with trailer park lingo. GFY.

    3. STFU 3:07, are you familiar now?

  6. This is a prime example of why it's important to stay as protected as possible if your a older individual. I do give my deepest condolences to his family. I also have a ton of respect for him as a business man to take this risk and try to keep his business going.

  7. Is this for real ? Did he really die from the virus ? Anyway I haven't heard of this virus civid 19 . Is this a new one ?

    1. Yes Civid 19 is the new virus. Covid didn't destroy the economy and the country as was the plan, so now a new better virus has been introduced which should have more favorable results.

    2. Someone stated false. He died from Heart Attack

    3. Very sad. Unfortunately heart attacks can be direct result of COVID. It literally causes the blood to clot which in turn patients present with strokes, heart attacks, etc.

  8. they only said he died of it.. and if he really did is the world suppose to shut down because of it

  9. Hitting close to home little boys and girls. Just wait, by Labor Day everyone will see how stupid there were in OC. Bail out while the gettings good

    1. You better take a look in the mirror 2:23 if you're looking for stupid

    2. Rickie is that I again??

  10. This is indeed very sad. To all of those who repeatedly say the the covid situation is over low, please do tell that to his family.

    1. No one on this web site has said covid isn't an issue or that covid is done. What they have said is the death rate is lower then what was 1st reported and we can not stop the economy for covid. People die everyday. If it isn't covid it could have been the flu or something else. I am sure he knew the risk and was willing to take it. To his friends and family my condolences.

    2. It was a heart attack doofus

  11. Found deceased of Covid 19?

  12. Covid is the leading cause of death until Biden is elected.

  13. It doesn't matter if someone has other health conditions. They were living with them just fine before they contracted COVID and it's doing weird things to people (blood clots, lung damage). If they got covid & died, then it's because of the covid. You can't say they were going to die anyway. That death would have been at a later date from the diabetes, obesity etc.
    Just because you don't know anyone personally who has died from it, doesn't mean it's not happening.

    1. 4:09-Name calling is a juvenile counterpoint. Minimal effort. Classic idiot trolling. What's life like being stupid? You should be happier.

    2. I know someone who died. My dear cousin only 60 years old. He had type 2 diabetes yes he carried some extra weight and at 57years old he has some heart issues. Mick an electrician, caught the virus from a fellow contractor while working at the same sight. This is such a strange virus the slightest weakness gives it such power. Praying for my cousins family now as I will for this man.

  14. 2:59.....Once Creepy Joe is elected pedophile protection laws will be on the books so he can’t be prosecuted! They were born that way......give me a break! Trump / Pence 2020

  15. 1:30

    What you should be saying is that it all about dumbocrat power over common sense.

  16. Why is Chuck Cook selling his property in Smallsbury?
    Doesn't he like it here anymore? I wonder since he did not reside in the county did he have a management company as mandated for this rental?

    $190K? Comical



  17. When you take all deaths and count them as Coronavirus regardless what actually caused the real death then you are telling lies to the Americans. Just because you carry the virus does not mean that is what killed you. Also it does not mean you are going to get sick and die. So all during the Coronavirus, diabetes, heart failure, cancer etc is all counted as a Coronavirus death. THIS IS NOTHING MORE THAN TO MAKE $$$$$ FOR THE MEDICAL FACILITIES & STATES.
    States counting "repeat tests" as though they are from separate individuals to beef up the numbers.At roughly $18,000 per positive test, the hospitals are financially motivated to make EVERYONE that comes in test positive.

    1. Bingo, finally someone that knows what they're talking about. Numbers are inflated for that and other reasons. Real shame about Gary Walker, we did business together. No matter how he died, It's very sad! Condolences to his family, friends and to the OC community

  18. Cant be COVID. Its been 90+ degrees for like 12 days straight. Trump so wisely told us the hot weather would make this thing just go away

    1. Florida is A Petri dish! The virus does not die in the heat.

    2. If it had been a natural virus then it would have subsided in the summer heat. The government told us it would NOT subside in summer, remember?

      It is not a natural virus.

    3. He was going off what the so called experts told him idiot!!

    4. Trump never said that. Man you people love to just run with things. What was said was, they thought the heat would slow down the virus. Which is does. Vitamin D, and the sun has shown it kills it. They never said it would be gone. They also have said over and over they really don't know because it is new.

  19. Anonymous said...

    This is a prime example of why it's important to stay as protected as possible if your a older individual. I do give my deepest condolences to his family. I also have a ton of respect for him as a business man to take this risk and try to keep his business going.

    July 19, 2020 at 2:06 PM

    Did you mean "...if you are an older person?"

    And *businessman?

    "I also have a ton of respect for" people who stay in school and learn proper grammar.

    1. Bet you have so much pride showing how f’n’ smart you be two. Lol

  20. Condolences to his family and friends.

  21. 330 stay away from small business, beach, church and friend. Go to Walmart, sams club, Costco, chain grocery stores and fast food. Do NOT go to the doc for screening. Thank be safe see you at Walmart but DO NOT ROAM OR TALK. Also protesting for racial justice is always ok anywhere but YOU MUST be yelling or stopping traffic.

  22. That's crap. I knew Gary and he had underlying health issues he told me about and as he was an older guy it's apparent he succumbed to them.
    Who knows what the F.D. medics have been programmed to report. The Med Examiner will make the determination because on the scene the FD has NO WAY to make a finding unless evidence indicates foul play. What a flock of rotten brains with big mouths OC has who are supposed to be pros.

  23. 851 great comment because I have not heard of a manger or regular worker getting sick while working at Walmart. Fact not a single person with covid has been linked to covid and went to Walmart. Small business totally different story I hear a lot of negative things

  24. He got infected from a couple of guys from New Jersey that came in and were sick. They even went to Seacrets but were turned away because they were coughing and looked sweaty.

    1. If true?? That would be a heartbreaker. Why can't people in Jersey stay in Jersey??

    2. Was he one of the two “employees” reported positive that caused them to close down?

    3. Yes him and a female. Both were asymptomatic. Gary said he felt fine. In fact we spoke on Saturday evening about opening next weekend. He did not pass due to covid. He had a heart attack.

  25. I heard from a reliable source that it was a heart attack.
    No matter what the cause, hopefully the fact that he was a good person, a good boss, and the perfect personality to be a boardwalk bar owner that added so much to the atmosphere of this town, will not get lost.
    I met him a few times, and always had a fun conversation with him.
    I'll miss those encounters.
    Many people will.

    1. Thank you, happy to read comments from sensible people. You nailed it!

  26. We went to Berlin last night for ice cream. People were standing and sitting OUTSIDE WITH MASKS ON. When the waiter brought their order out, they took their mask off to eat, then put them back on when finished. Now really folks, does this make any sense?

    1. What did you do hero? Put your mask over the ice cream ? The whole thing doesn’t make sense. We look like a Third World Country and they are the ones that brought us down. The blm rioters and trash are now attempting to finish us. It will never happen though. Trump/Pence 2020!

    2. 10:33 - you ask what did I do, I ordered ice cream outside with no mask on, I received it and ate it with no mask on, and then left with no mask on. And by the way, I'm no "hero". Never risked my life to save someone else's, at least not yet. Not a sheep either. Next question please.
      TRUMP 2020 MAGA/KAG

  27. Even a heart attack can be the result of a Covid infection. He might not have had a heart attack if he didn't have a virus that can attack the heart.

    1. Oh for fks sake. I may not have been struck by that pigeon poop if not for the conair virus! Got t- boned by a row boat - likely not had happened but for the conair virus. I stepped into the ocean to pee - fairly certain I would've stayed dry but for the conair virus. Are you kidding me?! Yes,of course these aren't apples to apples and it was very intentional to sound a bit ridiculous. Heart attack may have come from genetics, drinking, smoking, weight, poor diet or a number of different things. You, and your conair virus talk. Cause me to set my clock forward to start HH early, my gosh man.

    2. Yes....I'm sure the stress of not being able to reopen his business and all the extra pressure due to covid played a role in his heart attack. Bless his family 🙏

  28. God bless his family and friends. Regardless of how he past it’s still sad.

  29. "Anonymous said...
    No one on this web site has said covid isn't an issue or that covid is done. What they have said is the death rate is lower then what was 1st reported and we can not stop the economy for covid. People die everyday. If it isn't covid it could have been the flu or something else. I am sure he knew the risk and was willing to take it. To his friends and family my condolences.

    July 19, 2020 at 4:03 PM"

    You are exactly right. It is pure selfishness to ruin the economy over something that has a minuscule death rate. These liars claim to love their children and say things like they would die for them well they sure aren't showing their love now by wanting everything closed down If you really love your children/grandchildren then you want things open. If you want things closed then you are a selfish horrid person who could care less about even your own family This is not debatable so don't even try. It will only prove your stupidity.

  30. He died of a heart attack. If you want to call it Covid19 go ahead and put it under the other Covid19 death's. Like all the Covid19 gunshot deaths, premature babies, kidney failure and all the others they lied about on death certificates.

  31. Condolences to his family

  32. So then if you’re ok with the death rate, how about the overwhelming of hospitals? We re lucky that our hospitals have been spared. Some states don’t have room for patients with other conditions. Elective surgeries get cancelled and people can’t get treated for heart issues or cancer. It’s not all about the death number.

  33. When have you ever heard of refrigerated trailer trucks holding dead bodies because of the flu? Wake up!

    1. 800 804 put your mask on and go to Walmart NOW OBEY.

    2. It’s never happened for covid either

  34. Bad for Hogan (Boss Hog ) !!! All Md Govt's FAULT !!!!

  35. I had the privilege to know Gary and some of his employees. He was a nice guy and always had a story to tell. Personally, I don't care what they put for cause of death, I'm just saddened at the loss. Condolences to family and friends.

  36. There is a news feed on fb, Delmarva Coronavirus Information🦠 and they are swearing up and down he died of COVID 19 and Covid caused his heart attack.... some one needs to set them straight so the stop feeding a false narrative

  37. what about the other employees? Did any of them contract COVID? Didn't they close down because the employees tested positive and were getting sick? That would be quite a coincident that employees contracted it, but he didn't, but he passed away.

  38. If the media decided it is COVID-19 then so be it.
    They are our masters and I for one, don't want them to kill me.
    So I will go with it and try to live as free as possible

  39. I say we nuke China

  40. If you have diabetes and get in a car wreck, it's the wreck that killed you. If you have diabetes and get the virus, it's the virus that killed you. Simple.

  41. You sure are one dumb ass Karen 2:05.

    Stay in your bunker.

  42. Folks saves lives and go to sams club , riot, protest, arson is ok but PLEASE don’t go to church and kneel whenever you hear the Anthem. Russia thanks you

  43. Hmmm go to a bar or to church with 50 to 60 other people and it's we are all gonna die from the china Virus. Thousands of "protestors" packing in for hours equals no china viruses. Doesn't make sense to me.


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