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Monday, July 20, 2020

BREAKING: Major Company FIRES Employees for Criticizing BLM

Cisco says it fired a “handful” of workers for “inappropriate conduct” because it won’t tolerate racism

(Infowars) – In early June, dutifully doing its part to virtue signal along with the rest of the world, Cisco Systems hosted an “all hands on deck” meeting on race, hosted via videoconference.

In the comments of the online forum, visible to everyone, some workers questioned the Black Lives Matter movement and were subsequently fired from their jobs, proving once again that you can have an opinion, as long as it’s the right opinion.

Chief Executive Officer Chuck Robbins talked with Ford Foundation President Darren Walker, who is Black, and Bryan Stevenson, a Black lawyer and author who founded the Equal Justice Initiative, during the company’s June 1 meeting in front of 30,000 employees, according to Bloomberg.

Several people spoke out online against Black Lives Matter during these online forums. For example, one employee wrote: “Black lives don’t matter. All lives matter,” while another wrote that BLM “reinforces racism”. A third employee commented: “People who complain about racism probably have been a racist somewhere else to people from another race or part of systematic oppression in their own community!”

Cisco says it fired a “handful” of workers for “inappropriate conduct” because it won’t tolerate racism. It also, apparently, won’t tolerate its employees opinions.



  1. Maybe all the white employees should quit so the company can replace them with an all black workforce. Let's see how that works out for them

    1. 🤣🤣🤣🤣Fabulous idea.

    2. If you aks me, they would do fine once their name is changed to Cicso.

  2. All white I'm sure. Well no problem. I don't use anything made by this SPINLESS COWARD company anyway. But they just made these employees rich.

  3. Wear your slave mask and tell on your neighbors.

  4. Corporate America is forcing its employees to kiss the ring of BLM Marxism

  5. Private industry has nothing to do with 1st amendment. Discrimination absolutely, sexism absolutely, free speech - NOPE.

    Most get confused about that one...AND have lost jobs for not knowing.

  6. Chinese Communist Rule here.

  7. They have violated their civil rights freedom of speech.
    I hop[e they bring legal action against them.

  8. Screw them. Are they talking about Sysco or is there a Cisco also? Anyway screw them all along with blm.


  9. Hope the fired employees engage aggressive lawyers and win boatloads of cash!

  10. 1024 Cisco makes swiches routers for the computer networks.

  11. Cisco is a tech company obviously run by BLM supporters
    I believe we can do without their products. BLM is no longer relevant band needs to be declared a terrorist organization

  12. I remember the Saturday TV show called’The Cisco Kid’. It was in the 50’s and a great western show. People would raise all hell today if it were shown.

    1. Don't forget the cartoon Hong Kong Fuey.. another one that would never be made today

  13. @625 if that were true then you'd have no free speech at all as companies could simply refuse to hire or fire anyone that uses it in a colluded effort. Say they want zero corporate tax and collude to fire anyone that publically opposes it. What then?


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