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Tuesday, July 21, 2020

BREAKING: Armed St. Louis Couple Has Been Charged For Defending Their Lives and Property

Mark and Patricia McCloskey have been charged by a politically motivated prosecutor in St. Louis for defending their lives and their property against a mob that trespassed onto their home after breaking through a private gate. They face a felony and misdemeanor charge for "unlawful use of a weapon."

"Today my office filed charges against Mark and Patricia McCloskey following an incident involving peaceful, unarmed protestors on June 28th. It is illegal to wave weapons in a threatening manner at those participating in nonviolent protest, and while we are fortunate this situation did not escalate into deadly force, this type of conduct is unacceptable in St. Louis. The decision to issue charges was made after a thorough investigation with the St. Louis Metropolitan Police Department," St. Louis Circuit Attorney Kimberly Gardner released in a statement. "I am open to recommending the McCloskey's participate in one of my office's diversion programs that are designed to reduce unnecessary involvement with the courts. I believe this would be a fair resolution to this matter."

Nowhere in the statement does Gardner acknowledge the violent trespassing. The mob was asked to leave and refused. According to Mark McCloskey, a man in the crowd clicked two loaded gun magazines together and said "you're next."



  1. They are pardoned!!!!

  2. In an interview Putin said he watches that clip over and over & thinks it's the funniest thing he's ever seen.

  3. A complete travesty to our justice system.

  4. Missouri AG is rescinding the charges. He must know they are unwarranted from a RACIST lawyer.

  5. Keep your powder dry? Tried by 12 buried by 6? Civil war coming? Patriots? Oath keepers? You are all FULL OF it. These two Americans did what all you bloggers run on about but stay SILENT when someone does it.
    Lost their business
    Cost million in legal fees and loss of income
    No a single fake patriot drove to stand guard for FREE. NOT ONE. silent majority stays silent while wearing a mask.

    Keep cheering patriots

  6. I thought I read charges where dropped.

  7. Makes no sense at all.
    We live in an age when pizza delivery gets to your house faster than the police.

  8. The person who filed this is for sure a communist and needs to be removed. The law in this state clearly says you can stand your ground. Another left idiot and hope someone crashes into their house and burn it. Karma!!!!

  9. The way I see it they were duely exercising their rights while someone else was trying to remove their right to persuit of happiness.

  10. Don't cave McCloskeys! You are in the right! The country is supporting you! The castle doctrine is supporting you! The second amendment is supporting you! Your local Governor is supporting you!

    I almost wish there was enough video of those dirt bags charging at you - so you could have been justified in mowing them down - that is what this is coming to!


  11. They live on a private street which has a gate. The protestors/rioters were trespassing by breaching the gate and being on the private street. It is uncertain if either the rifle or pistol had cartridges in them.

    The DA is in a 4 way contest in the upcoming primary, and has been controversial for a number of policies and cases. Political reasons for the arrest and charges.

  12. The answer is wait until they cross the front door before shooting. Then you are officially defending your property from trespassers. Momma always told me that if you have to shoot someone make sure they are inside your house first. If they aren't, drag the body inside after!

    1. Leave the door unlocked.

    2. What if they begin to burn the house from outside 6:02?

  13. Lock their asses up and throw away the key!

  14. These fools obviously have more firepower than what they are mentally equipped to handle..damn near shot each other.

  15. 602 hits it right on the head. I'm all for protection and owning firearms but these two doofuses where the ones endangering public safety. Now if they trespassed on their property, tried to enter their home, or approached them in a threatening manner, then blast away. These dumb dumbs were one small mistake away from blasting each other or wrongfully harming someone in the crowd. Had the gun went off, the crowd would have been justified in tearing them both to pieces.

  16. so what happens to those that took the gate down to enter the community


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