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Monday, July 20, 2020

Body Parts Are Sexist: Doctors Call For Adam's Apple, Achilles Tendon to be Renamed

Doctors in Australia are calling for the renaming of key body parts including the “Adam’s apple” and “Achilles tendon,” because of their 'misogynistic' names.

Dr. Kristin Small, a obstetrician, gynecologist, and anatomy lecturer, says these terms must go because they too "historical."

“I think we have a personal choice to decolonize our language and these historical terms will fade out,” Small said to the Brisbane Courier-Mail.

Council member for the Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, Dr. Nisha Khot, said these terms won't exist in the future.

“The young trainee doctors are mostly keen to learn the more relevant language and are often shocked when they hear the origins of some medical terms,” she said.

“The push for change may have started in the area of women’s health but the conversation is now in the wider health community. It just makes sense for the medics but also for the patients to use more understandable terms,” Khot added.



  1. That's just stupid

  2. Buttercups and cupcakes everywhere.

    Might as well wipe many movies from the 70' 80's...

    And while you are at ALL this change, make sure the Cosby Show never is available - ever.


  3. Any doctor worth their salt would never use those terms to begin with. SMH

  4. Anything for attention.

    Soon we will need to rename the islands of Langerhans into the non-white privilege ground surrounded by water.

  5. Technically, they're the laryngeal prominence and calcaneal tendon. Adam's Apple and Achilles Tendon are just colloquialisms used by laypersons.

  6. The Achilles tendon is also called the calcaneal tendon. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles (calf muscles) unite into one band of tissue, which becomes the Achilles tendon at the low end of the calf. The Achilles tendon then inserts into the calcaneus.

  7. Please STFU. Where do we get these people?? Must be an ancestor of some mental health person from prison.

  8. Pussy-willow
    OH the horror!!!!!!!!

    I suppose the name Jesus (latin community) well thats a no-no too!!!

    Wake me up from this awful nightmare!!!

  9. "The young trainee doctors are mostly keen to learn the more relevant language and are often shocked when they hear the origins of some medical terms"

    Shocked! Shocked. Maybe they are shocked at their own ignorance of western literature (which makes me wonder how many of these "shocked" doctors are Mohammadeans.)

    Bonus points to anyone who knows-
    1. WHY its called the Achilles heel.
    2 WHO Achilles was
    3. whay numbers 1 and 2 are important.

    1. Glad you asked...Achilles, the Greek God if war was considered invincible as his mother dipped him into the river Styx as a baby. She held onto him by his heel as she did so.
      Wining crybaby DB’s need to read mythology before they can become doctors.

  10. Political correctness pressure is what changed homosexuality from a mental illness it wasn’t scientific... here we go again

  11. Etymology. From the Greek hero Achilles, whom according to legend his mother held by the heel when she dipped him in the River Styx, making him invulnerable everywhere except on his heel. He was later killed by an arrow wound to the heel.

  12. And Virginia sounds an awfully lot like vagina.

  13. Yes the rectum should be renamed the Pelosi and the armpits are smelly like a Rosie O'Donald.

  14. We need to stop referring to all Navy vessels as "She".

    "She's a great ship" Nope!

    from now on "He's a great ship"

  15. Men named Dick, should have to change their name.

  16. She's obviously mentally unstable. She shouldn't be practicing medicine.


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