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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

Black Lives Matter Militant Says He Wants to Murder NYPD Police Officers, ‘I Wanna Hang Him From a F*cking Tree’ (VIDEO)

A Black Lives Matter militant on Tuesday evening proudly boasted over a megaphone that he wanted to murder NYPD police officers.

“I wanna put my foot on his f*cking neck like he do us. I wanna put my foot on his back like he do us. I wanna hang him from a f*cking tree like he do us” the militant said directing his threats at the police officers.

Kids still can’t go to school and governors are locking down their states again but these Black Lives Matter terrorists are allowed to gather in the streets and threaten to murder police officers.

This is pure Marxism.



  1. Hey, this guy must be the NEW NASCAR driver I heard about!

  2. Pleased for you to target yourself. Of all things un American.

    This isn't the movies.


  3. Well, not like the FBI won’t take notice of that. Just goes to show that he’s not real bright.

  4. Pure trash and nothing but. That's BLM for ya. The muslims are backing this, thanks to Obama and Soros.

  5. He’s the one that needs hanging.

  6. Remember that when he dies he'll be a hero. If he's murdered (it doesn't even matter who does the job) he'll be a hero and a martyr.

    1. He won't even be a thought after he dies 534. Wrong again

  7. SOoooo lemme get this...It's ok for this dude to PUBLICLY Threaten to hang a person, but we have to take it up the rectal cavity cuz they used a rope shaped like a noose as a door closer in a NASCAR garage? Just asking....

  8. If I were NYPD. I'd find this POS. Quickly. Cops have "GOON SQUADS". Don't think they don't.

  9. Why did we ever allow that first slave ship to land ?

    1. If I knew it was going to turn out like this, I would have picked my own cotton.

  10. This has to be a hoax. Like The Don says, fake news. As ignorant of a speaker he is, looks like a black comedian entertainer in front of a white audience to me. Be funny to see a crop duster fly over with a quantity of tear gas. Lol

  11. BLM after the 2020 election you will be never heard of no more and will not be covered any longer by the thirsty Democrats or the media. Can't happen soon enough and the worst is your destroying your own race, all people will hate you even the youth.

  12. Is that Dave Chappell?

  13. lock in.....lights out at 10pm.... signed Correctional OfficerJuly 1, 2020 at 8:53 PM

    Freedom of speech is one thing
    but these are terrorists threats

    and he needs to be locked up.

  14. You know those Acme rockets the Coyote always uses to try to catch the Roadrunner?

    1. Yeah those rockets! I'm thinking it was the metal plate in the Coyotes arse that re-directed thar Acme doohickey's! Lol

  15. Wait until New York gets rid of Coumo and Diblasio. The police will be unleashed and rain hell on those criminal turds.

  16. All the hatred on here is pathetic when the entire nation is being murdered by this potus and his disease. I don't condone what he said but I certainly agree with his anger and frustration with the actions of crooked cops who unjustly kill Black Men and POC and they get away with it. Of course all lives don't matter until the BLM

  17. See 6:29 P.M. comment.....Amen!

  18. If Biden wins you won’t here from BLM until the next election


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