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Thursday, July 23, 2020

“At Another Time” – Biden Hurries Off Stage, Ignores Reporter, Refuses to Answer Questions at Delaware Campaign Event (VIDEO)

77-year-old Joe Biden on Tuesday ventured out of his basement and spoke at a campaign event in Newcastle, Delaware.

Biden rarely leaves his Delaware basement and when he does, he stays close to home. He’s feeble and scared.

Biden unveiled a Socialist economic recovery proposal as part of his “Build Back Better” plan.

Joe Biden is a far left radical who has adopted a dangerous $2 trillion Communist Climate Change plan from AOC and embraced redirecting funding from police departments to radical groups.



  1. Will he ever get questioned and by whom? Will he even abide by the three debates agreed upon? Who will be asking questions? Will these questions be substantive or softball questions always asked by Liberal Socialist commentators? Will there be follow up questions for clarification of answers? Will Biden or anyone in his campaign / Family or associates get the questions before hand like Hillary got so his answers will be on a teleprompter instead of spontaneous? Will there be mikes or hearing devices on Biden so someone can give him the answers?

  2. What’ else is the sad sack going to do? He can’t answer questions so he runs. And some people will vote for that. I couldn’t vote for that sad sack if I were a damorat (scary thought)

  3. He ran off because the little voice in his ear told him it was pudding time.

  4. He walks like he has a head injury.

    1. all Progressives have head Trauma

  5. 100 days from election and o'biden still refuses to be interviewed. There's something fishy about this.

  6. 4:21 You should not insult SAD SACK by referring Biden to him. Don't you remember the Military comic strip that drove the SGT crazy? You must be a young person that missed the good ole days.


  7. Saw elsewhere that his live stream harangue the other day was only being viewed by 19 people once he got a few minutes into the teleprompter material.

    Maybe Jimmy Carter is in the wings; he's still eligible for another term!

  8. Hahaha. BIDEN says he can't wait to debate President Trump. Neither can I.


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