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Saturday, July 04, 2020

As This Taliban-Russia Story Used to Bash Trump Suffered More Stab Wounds, Hillary Should’ve Kept Quiet

We’re dealing with another nonsensical Taliban-Russia story. Apparently, we have some liberal media outlets and Democrats trying to make bountygate: Afghanistan edition a thing. The story that The New York Times peddled is that some a Russian intelligence unit was paying the Taliban to kill Americans as if radical Islamic terrorists need financial incentives. There are no details. None. It was an intelligence leak and it’s becoming quite clear that it’s trash.

Democrats and the media are trying to bash Trump by saying he knew and did nothing. Well, he didn’t know. He wasn’t briefed because nothing could be corroborated. I know this may be news to some people, but not all classified information is accurate. And of course, sore loser Hillary had to jump in, with this tweet which lacks self-awareness. Sister Toldjah at RedState hopped on it first:

Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he didn't know because he couldn't be bothered to do his job.https://t.co/23QRIZMS08— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) June 30, 2020

Yeah, she had the stones to say, “Either he knew and chose to do nothing, or he didn't know because he couldn't be bothered to do his job.” Uh, is that because she did a bang-up job with the Benghazi terrorist attack in 2012?

And to boot, she looks even dumber given that CBS News’ Catherine Herridge delivered another stab wound into this shoddy tale reporting that National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien said that a "'career intel officer' made [the] call not to verbally brief President Donald Trump on alleged Russian bounty plot 'the person who decided early on whether the president should be briefed on this in the Oval, in the Oval intelligence briefing was his career, a career senior servant, a CIA officer + she made that decision because she didn’t have the confidence in the intelligence that came up,” Herridge said in a tweet. “She made that call + you know what she made the right call. And knowing the facts I know now; I stand behind that call.”



  1. Well, Bill is about to get his comeuppance with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell.
    Hillary is being REQUIRED to be deposed about her illegal email server and security violations.
    Obama, Biden, Rice, Comey and Lynch have been expose for committing treason and an attempted coup against a duly elected President.

    The world is slowly righting itself again.

    1. The fat one is not capable is being quiet. Proved that when a new comer beat her like a drum. If the fat failure stayed in like Joey of DE, she would do better in a competition. But soon as that simple face turns the mouth loose.... fatty is done for. Golly that is a ugly animal, scare little children.

  2. Hillary is trying to change the headline from Bubba getting ready for BIG BUBBA.


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