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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

America's Major Cities Are Being Turned Into War Zones, And It's Not Going To End In November

The civil unrest that we witnessed all across America this weekend was extremely alarming. For a few weeks, it seemed like the chaos that erupted in the immediate aftermath of the tragic death of George Floyd was subsiding, but in recent days there has been a dramatic resurgence. Within the last 48 hours, there have been eruptions of violence in major cities such as Seattle, Portland, Atlanta, Chicago, New York, Los Angeles, Oakland, Louisville, Austin and Richmond. At this point we have seen sustained protests and rioting for nearly two months straight, and it looks like the chaos isn’t going to disappear any time soon.

Over the past few weeks, a few people have written me emails suggesting that the civil unrest will disappear if Joe Biden wins the election in November.

But I don’t believe that this is true. Virtually all of the rioting is happening in cities that are controlled by Democrats, and the leftist politicians that run those cities do not have any control over the Marxist protesters at all.

For example, just look at what has been happening in Seattle and Portland. The politicians that run those cities are radical Democrats, and yet those radical Democrats have been completely and utterly unable to end the violence. The following comes from the Daily Mail

The streets of Seattle turned violent Saturday when protesters set fire to a youth detention center and a police precinct. Other protesters threw rocks, bottles, fireworks and other explosives at cops, with the unrest leading local authorities to declare protests had turned into ‘riots that afternoon’.

Portland geared up for its 59th night of unrest Saturday with swathes of demonstrators marching from the federal building to the Portland Marriott where they believe federal officers are staying, in the wake of a violent night Friday that ended with at least one person stabbed.

To me, it is absolutely amazing that Portland has had 59 days of protests in a row.



  1. It will continue as long as people deny that this country has an inherent bias towards white men who wrote the laws of the land while women and people of color couldn't even vote. People in communities share common ideas. Government buildings, courts, etc. are in cities. Why would they protest elsewhere? The vast majority of the protests are peaceful. People spout out about "msm this" and "msm that" and then assume every single protest is looting because that's what they're shown on the news. The people want to be heard, or at least have a President that hasn't been sued by the Department of Justice for racist renting habits or hasn't advocated for the death of 5 black teens (central park 5) who were cleared with DNA evidence. Sharing the fact that there are black Trump supporters doesn't change what millions of people know - American has racism at it's core. It's why racist comments are allowed on your page and likely why this one will be deleted.

    1. No,this country has an inherent bias toward freedom,liberty and the ability for the individual to do or become almost anything they desire. Success or failure happens every day and the United States of America provides the best opportunities on the planet.

    2. You are so crazy if you think that this is what is happening. Those things are in the past. Women and people of color can vote now. Do we have more work to do, yes. Is life unfair, yes. Does burning down a court house fix that no. BLM is causing civil unrest while behind the scenes the world is falling apart. America as we know it is over. A one world Govn't will come. I am all for continuing to make sure people are treated correctly. But we can not have civil unrest. We must have ownership in our own actions. I have many black friends who are outraged at what is happening. They will stay quiet out of fear. Many will be voting in Nov for Trump. How do I know, I talk with them. I don't get bothered by comments on this page racist as you call it or not. I like to see how people think. This country is the best country to live in. Where will people flee to now? By the way, the president does not have the control you think he does. The Congress is where the issues are then the governors next. How about you put the blame where it belongs. Trump 2020. By the way, how about you walked down the boardwalk at 2am with your white self and proclaim black lives matter. I will watch on the cam what happens to you. Most people have never even been in the hood. You have zero clue what it is like.

    3. You're dumb...

    4. We now have a majority afraid of speaking around the minority who will scream racism immediately. The illogical mindset is unhealthy for all and will never change as long as those screaming for justice continues to stay on welfare, continue to have many babies with many father's and keep killing one another in major cities and blame the majority.

      Old guard is quickly dying and there will be few instigators within 10 years. Then what will they do?

  2. The reason they are continuing is because nobody does anything about it under the guise of "peaceful protests." These are not peaceful protests. The minute they turn the officers should start arrests. And then they should SIT in the jail. Not be released within 15 minutes. They are only going to escalate the violence until people start getting killed. Is that what they want? It is getting to the point where I think the only thing that will stop is people getting shot or at this point the President should declare martial law. The individual states don't seem to care what happens to the poor people living in those cities.

  3. 10:48 you're the only one talking about killing people. All these keyboard warriors just want an excuse to point a gun at black people.

    1. Nah, not wantong to kill black people, just rioters, all of em

    2. you bet your ass

      come on my street with your BLM bull crap

  4. It's gonna get worse there after President Trump's re-election!

  5. 1046 1048 same person as usual all night all morning and stops around 1pm when it falls to sleep.

  6. Cant wait for black Friday.

    OOPS...BLACK Friday.

    (snicker snicker)

  7. its almost impossible to survive on the boardwalk after dusk. the blacks will beat the hell out of you to show their love. BLM- Bullets, Larceny, Murders. it's a nice group of people. full of love.

  8. See, the narrative is all wrong. This is not civil unrest, it’s violent social extortion funded by Democrats.
    Democrat riots.

  9. just ordered extra 2500 rounds of ammo only a shortage if you dont know where to get it

  10. I am tired of this country bowing to Blacks. We have given them alot and they still want more.

  11. I have been working and traveling the last six months and have checked out these protests it's mostly suburban entitled white Hipster kids out of work and not in school living in cities like NY DC and Philly with nothing better to do. They are not paid Anifa's or boogie man Marxists. It's just a silly bunch of kids with nothing better to do it's a happening for them like going to Burning Man the Rainbow Gathering or a Dead Concert.

    1. 4:12
      What you wrote is correct.

      However the boogie men (intelligence operatives) come out at night armed with weapons to assault and destroy. They are paid agitators.

  12. The civil war is here. Be prepared

  13. Northwest Woodsman: I would say that laws written by biased white men were based upon successful implementation of general laws that are required for a civil society. Do these people want a society that replicates those found in Africa? My gosh, please compare all aspects of life in any African country of your choice and then tell me that is an example of what civilization should look like. If you can think of anything of valuable (besides minerals) that has ever been produced or developed by an African nation or individual, please apprise us. I understand that their developments in the aerospace industry have been astounding.


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