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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

ABC News mocked for claiming 'peaceful demonstration intensified,' with courthouse set ablaze, police officers targeted

'Sums up the state of the media in our country,' Reagan Battalion said

ABC News was mocked on Sunday for describing an California protest that featured demonstrators setting fire to a courthouse, vandalizing a police station and shooting fireworks at police officers, as “peaceful.”

“Protesters in California set fire to a courthouse, damaged a police station and assaulted officers after a peaceful demonstration intensified,” ABC News’ verified Twitter account wrote to promote an article headlined, “Oakland protesters set fire to courthouse and vandalize.”


  1. How the HELL can anyone with half a Freaking mind believe anything from the MSM. You see the entire Democrat party and MSM LIE about these RIOT'S. You can see all the un-American, Antifa, black military wannabes destroying cities. Peaceful protests?? Rriigghhhttt.

  2. Democrats will tell you this is a "MYTH".


  3. Younger generation too young to recall Little Georgie was one of Bill Clinton's upper echelon staffers. Installed at ABC as a paid shill.


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