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Sunday, July 26, 2020

A county on Maryland’s Eastern Shore quietly takes down a Confederate memorial, after years of rejecting the idea

Every time Amber Green walked past the Wicomico County Courthouse in Salisbury, it angered her to see the historical marker on its grounds dedicated to a notorious Confederate general.

Gen. John Winder wasn’t just a military leader who used his talents in service of the white supremacist South. Many historians consider him a war criminal for directing a Confederate prison system in which more than 13,000 Union soldiers died in one camp alone, chiefly of diarrhea and scurvy.

Even worse, the tribute to Winder — a native of a rural Eastern Shore enclave with no known connection to Salisbury or Wicomico — stood within feet of where a mob of whites is known to have lynched a Black resident, Matthew Williams, in 1931.



  1. good or bad your shouldn t erase history thanks sjd

  2. Who cares what they put up or take down in this ghetto town.

  3. what a load of crock. blacks afraid to go downtown. they have no problem running aroun commiting crimes as gangs during the salisbury festival. just more of the smae ol woke lefty antifa bs!
    the harriet tubman marker scares me every time i drive by it. who's gonna rip it down?

  4. That they are more 'offended' over markers and statues then they are over black children being murdered says all anyone needs to know about their complete lack of any morals and human decency.

    1. Truth. The culture of accepting irresponsible behavior and violence in their communities is a little tougher to acknowledge. These deniers try to deflect and change the narrative. Clean up your culture.

  5. These people don’t feel any better for removing the memorial they were looking for someway to promote themselves as social justice warriors aka Marxist anti Americans. It’ll just be a matter of time before they find something else to destroy after that it’ll be people. These radicals are no friends of the free Americans

  6. So what happened to the sign? Where is it?

  7. Amber Green, James Yakahomo and their cohorts are really showing their ignorance of history. The citizens and soldiers of the Confederacy had no desire to overthrow the government of the United States, they merely wanted independence from it. It was the Union forces who attacked the South in an effort to prevent succession.

    At the end of the War *ALL* former Confederate soldiers and officers were pardoned by the United States. The pardons were unconditional. General Grant expressly forbade any of his troops from retaliating against the former Confederates and declared, "They are all our brothers again."

  8. But there's still a Winder Street. What's with that?

  9. A democratic mare, nuff said!

  10. So, he was put in charge of ALL the prisons in HALF the country and then while putting his best effort forward was sent overwhelming numbers of prisoners of all creeds and colors, did his honest best but was just over burdened.

    How does that make him a bad person?

    Just curious.

    1. Democrats want to hide their history

    2. @8:43 Because 13,000 died of disease in just one of his prisons because they were living in terrible conditions. Did you even read the article? He was a war criminal.

  11. China has slaves currently.

  12. She as offended, seems to be the norm, if something bothers some one, complain an demand it be taken down. History be dammed. (Sarcasm)

  13. Oh, So now I am offended by destroying history by someone who has probably not read a history book. By taking it away it erases the the effort of surviving some of the wrongs, yet rising above them to be where we are.
    Tragic that the weak cave to the intellectually challenged. Makes them look even more out of touch with reality, and the pol more cowardly than our forefathers.

  14. I found it funny he claims minorities were to afraid to go downtown because of the sign? I bet if you ask anyone in this town about the sign, most have no clue. They are using these monuments of a way to re start race wars. While behind the scenes they are going to crash the dollar. Why are we fighting about stuff that happend so long ago, and not fighting for the stuff going on today. People are kept in poverty today. We have a form of slavery today. Don't worry though, once they crash the dollar, we will have a lot more of it. Why can't people see it?

  15. The article could have told the story in two paragraphs, but didn't.

  16. This is ridiculous ! You don't tear down history you learn from it and try to better your society. These men were faced with obstacles and circumstances beyond their control yet did their honorable duty for their nation . If this keeps up we are doomed to repeat it and its not going to be good for these cowards tearing down these monuments!

  17. That’s just dandy. Take a few steps across the coat house and find blm skreet. That angers me but won’t get me down. Maybe some day Amber Green’s followers will walk past that and demand it’s removal and puff.

  18. It wasn't a tribute, it was an historical marker meant to remind us of, uh, you know, history.

  19. If we're going to "Equal", then I expect to see the MLK statue taken down in DC!! It's only fair.

  20. This is a disgrace to the history of persons of the Eastern Shore.
    If people don't like history then get rid of the MLK statue, since that is part of history. MLK was against discrimination and that is just what this removal is. Quit being 2 faced.
    All this rainbow paint offends me as a tax payer but politians continue to allow this to be displayed on public property.
    When was it not against the law to display political statements of any type to be displayed on public property?

    Total disgrace for our politians to allow such discrimination.

  21. When are all the white people who are helping blm going to get their awards? There should be a ceremony and all

    1. I can't wait until they think they are safe and walk around as if everything is good. Then they get beat up, raped, and robbed. Then let's see how they love BLM.

  22. Awe. She was offended EVERYTIME she walked by it BULLSHIT. Girl let's see your snowflake ASS walk anywhere in this county. You'll be robbed, raped, or murdered. So your false narrative of a statue is BULLSHIT.

  23. Dear readers,

    If believe Dr.Carson put it best when he reminded every American that knowing our history and past is very important as we add to it.



  24. Everybody who gives a damn about forming an opinion about Winder based on facts should take a few minutes to look up his war biography instead of relying on this "woke" author and pair of local SJWs to tell the story. The story scarcely touches upon the Confederate POW system, the true number of Union casualties, the horrifying conditions, the causes of death of those tens of thousands, and how this happened or could have been allowed to happen.

    No, I'm not making excuses for this long dead person, just pointing out that newspapers and social media should not be your only sources for anything requiring historical accuracy, and that forming opinions based on weak information does not impart validity to "wokeness". Don't fall for it.

  25. green is a horrid human being who is herself raised by good decent moral people would be ashamed at how disgusting she is. To be offended by a marker and not black children being murdered by blacks shows what an ugly waste of air green is. she is more interested in showing off what a social justice warrior she is on fb then she is concerned about innocents getting murdered. God sees what a horrid devil follower green is and He will punish her as she so deserves.

  26. should have just put a New plaque reminding us that this was back in the day and we don't like what he did. history should Never be erased. period!!!

  27. Green is in dire need of a mental evaluation If she has children and she actually cares and loves them she will have herself committed. It is not normal to dwell on anything and that is what she is doing She is already a life's loser and unless and until she get help for her psychosis she will always be a loser. Her children will suffer and won't amount to anything like her.

  28. Owner there the day after they snuck it away and no one would answer my questions and they treated me like I was scum because I was asking questions about its removal.... I say we demand it to be put back who's with me?????

  29. "everyone is racistz" jimmy yamakawa had a vid of dicktator amber green screaming at her sheep in some pathetic blm "protest" on rt 13 N, which I snagged before it got removed. acting like some militant black panther. why do they all act so ridiculously militant. total clown show.

  30. 1010 he was a soldier not a freaking magician or a doctor. The lack of hygeine and medical supplies played a major role not to mention the inability to feed his own troops. It was an ugly time in America. Brother against brother and American against American. If you think that was horrific wait until you see what is coming your way soon. Look how people behaved in grocery stores during this pandemic. Fighting over toilet paper for God's sake. What will you do when the Wal Marts are empty. When no hospitals can function. A civil war is brewing in this nation hell we are almost in it's sights. The denouncing of America by a sub culture of a race is on us. People destroying history and why we do not hold ancestors of any race responsible. The silent majority is like a caged animal right now and someone is beating on the cage. Once that door is opened we will all have to choose a side. It is called survival. I pray this never happens but i really do not see either side dropping their shields. Every society world wide has wealthy and those not wealthy that is a reality. I will say when I hear a man calling himself a making millions upon millions of dollars because he can run fast or dribble a ball I get angry. A person that can act out a lie on a big screen again making millions of dollars denouncing America and young people look at them as some type of God things are too far gone. In what world do you live in to believe we can all have that. We have lost our way. Anyone that has to call themselves African American or any other moniker is a racist. We are all just Americans we are all brothers and sisters period in the greatest nation on earth. We have our issues no doubt but when athletes and movie stars are the voice of a nation it is bound to fail. When politicians come away from their service rich beyond comprehension then we are bound to fail. A nation divided allows the rich to get richer and the poor to stay at the bottom of the basket.

  31. Democrats have always been involved in Racism

  32. Amber and James,

    Just because you had a marker removed does not mean you changed history. All it shows is your own ignorance.

  33. Didn't the Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver authorize the removal of the General John Henry Winder historical marker? This just goes to show you how weak he is as a Politician! Goodbye!

  34. I am so glad that there is still is a Winder Street in Salisbury, Maryland to commemorate the spirit and memory of Confederate General John Henry Winder who valiantly stood in the streets of Salisbury as an American Hero!

  35. Who is Amber Green so I can Knock the Bitch Out?

  36. You won't have to worry anymore about any historical markers or statues being removed in Wicomico County. At least one individual will be unable to do it again in the future!

  37. What museum can I go to with my family to show them the Confederate memorial marker (General John Henry Winder) that was removed from the Wicomico County Circuit Courthouse property on July 4th, 2020 at the request of the County Executive Bob Culver? My family wants to read this historical marker in person and we have the right for this marker to be displayed for public access since we are hard working taxpayers and a vote was not initiated before the removal!!!. The removal of this marker was NOT at my request! Where can I view this piece of history?

  38. Bad move on your part removing this historical marker Bob!

  39. I am making a motion to nominate Wicomico County Executive Bob Culver to be elected as a regular citizen in 2022! All those in favor say I! "I" any oppose, Nay, motion carries... Congratulations to regular citizen Bob Culver! And as Walter Cronkite use to say,"And that's the way it is!"

  40. Even worse, the tribute to Winder — a native of a rural Eastern Shore enclave with no known connection to Salisbury or Wicomico


    Ummm... He was born and raised in Wicomico County. Just because it was once Somerset County, it is still Wicomico County. F*** them!

  41. Anonymous said...
    Who cares what they put up or take down in this ghetto town.

    July 25, 2020 at 7:51 AM


  42. "Erasing history". LOL this claim is quite laughable. You would be hard pressed to find many statues or commemorative plaques in the US of Osama Bin Laden, Hitler, Napoleon, or Ghengis Khan. Yet all names are readily recognizable by anyone with a basic education.

    1. @451 AM who the heck trolls at 5 in the morning. My goodness son go back to the public bathrooms with your sharpie

    2. 1251 do you even know what "trolling" means. If you cant come up with a fact based rebuttal to the comment, just move on

  43. She needs to take a different route.

  44. Amber Green was angry everytime she WALKED becasue she LOST HER DRIVING PRIV.

  45. The man was born in Nanticoke, MD. Last time I checked, Nanticoke, MD is in Wicomico County. It is true that Wicomico County was not formed until 1867, but it cannot be said that Gen. Winder had "no connection to Salisbury or Wicomico." Please learn about history and geography!


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