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Wednesday, July 01, 2020

3 Rehoboth Beach lifeguards test positive for coronavirus

REHOBOTH BEACH, Delaware (WPVI) -- Officials in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware say three lifeguards have tested positive for COVID-19.

Officials say they believe there had been little contact with the public and that the lifeguards spent most of their time in the lifeguard stands.

"We immediately executed our COVID response protocol and contacted the local health department. All lifeguards were notified of the exposure and will be tested within the next 24 hours," said Rehoboth Police Chief Keith Banks.



  1. Thats it, close the beach down, EVERYONE who was on that beach should be tested. We also must send out ALL available vessels to cast nets, and catch any fish that were possibly in the vicinity, and have them contact traced as well....These life guards are putting our lives at risk!!!

  2. Hey Dawg - bourbon works for me, plus it keeps everyone away!

    (snicker snicker)

    1. Lol...I'll have to try that remedy!

  3. Everyone will test postive, 99.99% won't get sick. Facts, no need to argue.

    1. 12:05 exactly right. Media is creating hysteria.

  4. Just when I was going to end my "shelter in place."

  5. Lifeguards party. It's no secret. I say keep bars open. Let people decide for themselves. We can't stay home forever. Who is going to pay the bills? Everyone will be in OC now with De bars closed and mandatory face mask outside and on the beach. This weekend will be crazy busy for OC. Within 2 wks they will shut down OC. Freaking great.

  6. In that area.....they probably have AIDS too bc of being Gay ..

  7. Who Cares??? We Don't ...Enough is enough...Just say NO to Fear Porn...No Masks, No VAX!!!

  8. i see i can not comment on the actual article, the news should tell us where they got it from, more likely, they got it from close contact, like living quarters etc .... but the news doesn't want to provide that information.... lets feed the fear

  9. Weird how hospitals aren’t over run ? Why didn’t nyc use the tents, ship and ventilators? Why instead did Cuomo purposely send COVID positive sick people to nursing homes when the point of lock down was to save elderly? 500k a year die from smoking in the USA 45k from second hand smoke.

  10. So this proves that everyone already has it or that the test are fake!!! Take your pick!!!! Who gives a shit anyway... Again I will ask you retards, when have you ever had the FLU and never had a fever?????? NEVER that's when!!!!! So how are you going to tell me, this virus, that causes a disease in your body shows no signs of that disease, then what the fuck is a disease??? Last the definition said, was it is an abnormality in the body that you can find or see through scientific tests!!!! So who can you have a disease and not show signs???? FAKE that is how!!!!

    Here is the definition for you morons:
    a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury.

    So explain how you have a virus that causes a disease but you don't have a disease but a disease is something harmful in your body????

  11. 1:08

    Again I will ask you retards, when have you ever had the FLU and never had a fever??????

    You can be infected with the flu and not have any symptoms. Some people get sick and some do not. Just like the Whu Flu.

    If you take out all those in nursing homes that Cuomo and Wolf murdered, hardly anyone dies of this.

    Overblown by dumbocrats and the media to take out Trump....period!

  12. 108 and 305 they are probably unable to respond given their disability.

    Check yourself next time.

    Signed, father of a special needs family member.

  13. If I was drowning , I wouldn't care if the life guard had syphilis.


  14. Re: Lifeguards party above.

    Imagine many would test positive for Corona after a few drinks the night before...


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