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Sunday, July 19, 2020

28th St. Pit-n-Pub Closes Their Doors

Better Safe then Sorry! 

...a pre-cautionary measure taken by our owners to make sure we get ahead of this thing. We are having our staff tested for Covid-19 & will return when results are in!!

With no positive tests amungst our current staff, the Health Department has not mandated this closure, though we are in-contact with them to make sure we take these steps properly ...to ensure the safety of our staff and patrons.

See you on the other side, all!

Publishers Notes: Unless my staff has symptoms we will not be forced and or subjected into pressuring our staff to do something so unconstitutional. 

The Health Department is NOT requesting bars/restaurants have their staff tested. I was clearly told they would only come to our establishment if they knew for a fact we were violating the CDC guidelines. It seems that has all changed with this new task force randomly inspecting OC bars/restaurants. 

This is getting so ridiculous, (including Hogan's announcement today) that the MEDIA, Health Department and Governor are scaring the crap out of the general public LIKE EVERYONE IS GOING TO DIE if they get the virus. We are watching business slow down week after week and I have confirmed this with several other local businesses.

The talk about most, (if not ALL) people getting tested have NO SYMPTOMS, yet are testing positive. Here's what I have to say about that, BS! I DO NOT TRUST Governor Hogan nor our Federal Government giving BONUSES up to $37,000.00 to every hospital showing positive results. For crying out loud, it's no worse then the flu. Being FORCED to wear masks and be PUPPETS to our government is a joke. If our government truly gave a sh!t about our health they'd DEMAND ALL Cigarette and Cigar sales come to an immediate end. STOP BEING SO STUPID AMERICA!


  1. Out of state cars everywhere to many to take photos of. But I’m trying. Stay safe and stay home. Lol

    1. 5:59 - you still don't get it, do you?

  2. No out of state cars = no revenue = higher taxes for full time residents = less money for you and me. Economics 101. At least this class is passable unlike a guaranteed fail in socialism 101 as no country has succeeded in that class.....

  3. It's not a $37,000 bonus. It's about $7,000 for Medicare patients ONLY.
    Regular ICU is paid $30,000 by Medicare. If you have Covid-19 in ICU they pay $37,000, that's to help fund all of the overtime, to help hospitals to buy equipment etc.

  4. People who live here can’t afford the beach.

  5. This BS has to stop now ! These people getting tested with a positive result is all BS. Let's get the numbers up the government so Trump is out . When will you guys get it , this is all a bunch of crap . I'm 80 I has this virus which I call the flue , was sick for a few days , little cough , temp and now I'm fine . Just Remember folks , 80,000 people died from the flue last year in the U.S. . Of course another 40,000 died from old age that now they add to the covid 19 . . Get real and get over it , poor me another one JOE.

  6. Finally a voice of reason
    Thank you Joe

    The risks do not justify the damage.
    The government(s) know it.
    So what gives? What is the agenda?

    I don’t trust the Government or the Federal Reserve Bank

  7. You think Hogan gives a crap about people trying to make a dollar and support their families. Hell No. His fat ass can sit up there like King Tut and rule his kingdom. He's probably rolling in the bucks from his businesses. As far as test, I'd like to know how accurate those tests he got from Korea. That's been hush, hush since he got them. Sure he and his wife got some kick back from the deal. Be strong Joe and fight the fight.

  8. You bet it's all BS!

    But the media has been able to scare all of the Karens to death and you have many of them ratting on people that they don't like who are just acting normal.

    Not only that, Karens who have lost family members firmly believe that Covid was the cause of death for 88yr old grandma when in most cases, it wasn't.

    These Libs are very dangerous to the our country and right now they are making headway.

    Fight for you rights - we are losing them!

    1. Hey Boomer, “Karen” doesn’t mean a cautious liberal. It means a racist Trumpublican moron, like you. Nice try though.

  9. 39000 if they can strap a ventilator on you, 19000 to admit you. Most test kits now give false positive. The fear tactic must continue and will likely increase until LH can get a Trump bailout for the mess he himself created. How far would they go to achieve this...look at his buddy cuomo, they were willing to kill 4500 to get the fear factor.
    He appeared to take a stand against pelosy, its just a show, he's never disagreed with a democrat. He could have stopped the destruction of that statue but done nothing, he's in fact removed a few statue's himself. Corruption is the new politics.

  10. So funny how you change your tune now.... What are you finally coming around I still think you’re too scared to tell the truth of all the conspiracy things you know are true because they’ll block this blog you’ve already been warned but you’re too scared the problem is it’s because you’re not as powerful as someone like Alex Jones who is also a pawn of the other side who puts out all kinds of lies.. You’re a small man with big dreams and you can’t be bothered because you have no influence on major society if you took this to the Internet or two other large groups like podcasts and other sorts of things and stood up for the things you use to and the things you still do It might be different..

    1. 8:08- At least he knows what a comma is.

    2. 8:08
      You are writing in the second person.
      Who is you?

      Perhaps . . . One might wish to do this
      One could say that
      One may decide to podcast
      So on

  11. Lockdown Larry in his element. Will ease on restrictions right after the election.

  12. I heard if you have a cold that is a corona virus too and will pull a positive. We are in some major trouble with this economy. Only self employed small business getting hit. Wait until it keeps trickling up to the top. Then people will start wanting things back open. Seems like as long as 'I' have a paycheck 'I' don't care. Put your seat belt on. This is going to be rough. And once Biden gets in. It will continue down from there. Oh and did you see Florida has said one lab had every single test come back positive. Now they are saying the numbers are false. Obviously not every test can be positive. Hot mess.

  13. I heard if you have a cold that is a corona virus too and will pull a positive. We are in some major trouble with this economy. Only self employed small business getting hit. Wait until it keeps trickling up to the top. Then people will start wanting things back open. Seems like as long as 'I' have a paycheck 'I' don't care. Put your seat belt on. This is going to be rough. And once Biden gets in. It will continue down from there. Oh and did you see Florida has said one lab had every single test come back positive. Now they are saying the numbers are false. Obviously not every test can be positive. Hot mess.

  14. Sounds like another dollars before lives business getting busted and crying about it

    1. Closing the border to China was racist. They are no threat and good folks folks — joe Biden

    2. Shut up. How about you pay peoples bills. Guessing you are the one on the Govn't job getting paid to sit home and do nothing. Shut up. People are losing everything. Doesn't even matter about their Health. Have some compassion. Idiot.

    3. Sounds like you don't get it either 8:23

    4. Add Shenanigans to the list of shame.

  15. You don't get it either 8:23 !!!! SMH

  16. just stop making stupid comments.My eyes are hurting.

  17. Not related, but, psa...to the asshat in the small blue vehicle with FF_ tags on S. Division at Dykes Rd. Tonight, 6:30, Passing at a high rate crossing double yellow, don't try it again.

    1. 9:06
      You were right the first time


      Stop posting threats on-line

  18. Have you noticed how all the closed businesses are all in the same neighborhood, Guidos, Buxy’s, Blu, Fishtales? That’s because at the end of their shifts, many of the employees go to Pit and Pub. Pit and Pub was following zero guidelines. Pit and Pub is the epicenter of the outbreak. Those Bozos are to blame for this spike.

    1. There are so many OC businesses ignoring the rules it is almost impossible to count them!

  19. 8:23
    You are a persistent troll for communism

  20. It seems that has all changed with this new task force randomly inspecting OC bars/restaurants.

    There is no task force. Put this rumor to rest.

  21. 8:23. You’re not very smart are you?

  22. NEWS FLASH, you will test positive, becasue test are fake and tainted!!!!

  23. Looks like 8:39 millennial Karen got his poor little sensitive but hurt.


  24. Looks like poor little 8:39 Millennial Karen gut all but hurt in his basement.

    Mommy will kiss it and make it all better.


    1. 9:58
      Do you mean, HER basement?
      Or is Karen presenting as a man today?

  25. Everyone in this country will test positive sooner or later- so what!

    Look at the death rate.


  26. First of all, covid -19 is approximately 25x more deadly than the standard flu. It was manufactured in a lab in China, and was accidentally released. The Chinese knew it but covered it up.

    The truth is that we have no idea what it can and cannot do, but Florida just released data that almost 1/3rd of children tested positive for the virus. I understand the frustration, anxiety and fear. I am a genetic specialist that works with virologists and the truth is we don’t know what this can do. China never released any of the early data, so we need to go back and connect the dots. Like many of you, I do not get paid if I don’t work. I have no cushy government job that ensures my salary. Many of us are 1099 contract and are exposed daily. I can tell you that the lung tissue samples I have seen are horrific. I don’t know what the answer to all of this is, and I’ve been doing this for almost 30 years.

    I would say this - while all are welcome to their opinions and thoughts, I would implore you to verify them with fact from reputable sources. I work in conjunction with Hopkins, Washington national and CHOP ( children’s hospital of Philadelphia) and deal with this daily every day. I would also suggest that you take measures to keep yourself and your families safe.

    1. 10:02
      I agree with your comments.
      You are seeing REAL cases of the bioweapon attack. The media is hyping the event because the bioweapon apparently was released in a small dose.

      Most “cases” have no symptoms.

  27. "First of all, covid -19 is approximately 25x more deadly than the standard flu."

    BS - nice try.

    The flu kills on average 40,000 each year with "bad" flu seasons averaging 60,000, WITH a VACCINE!

    40,000 X 25 = 1,000,000.

    Crawl back in your hole and let us normal people live our life.

  28. I hope I’m wrong, but wonder if some places that close for good may have been in trouble to begin with. Not knocking them. Wish them well.

  29. hey I will bet you if you go get tested and dont get the test you will receive a letter saying you are positive

  30. Bottom Line; we are being played daily...Patriots MUST fight back or we will lose the INFO battle...Truth is available; so look for it and SHARE it daily...I do this on facebook...credible videos and articles...just do it.

  31. Aside from Joe and the kind individual (1002) with interesting insight - some of these responses make me wonder if I was drinking with them last night!

    OH MY!

    (snicker snicker)

  32. 10:02

    25X more deadly that the standard flu.

    On the face of it, your comment is ridiculous!

    What is the death rate of the standard flu? Is there a such thing as the standard flu?
    What about the swine flu?

    Oh, and by the way, as we learn more about the Whu Flu we are finding out it is not as deadly as first reported. Seems that once Cuomo and Wolf killed all the people in nursing homes the death rate in the general population is very small.

  33. With number of bar closings looks like we solved employee shortage situation!

  34. This is BS. Florida hospitals where only reporting positive results. The numbers are so far off. I guess they get more money if they have more positive cases. Florida is sending their children back to school in August and guess what - no mask required. This is a Democratic ploy to destroy Trump. Don't let it happen.

  35. Thank you for publisher's note. Finally a voice of reason! This has never been about a 'virus'! We are being lied to. This is a systematic takeover & every bit of evidence to support that statement is still out there and readily available to anyone who cares to look for it! Just look at any state's .gov website (or even the corrupt CDC's own website) under testing and they tell you straight up:
    "Negative results do not rule out covid 19 infection, particularly in those who may be pre-symptomatic or immunocompromised. Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non covid 19 strains; for example, representing cross-reactivity with other common non covid 19 human coronaviruses"... ie. a COLD
    SO.... Think about it... If a negative test does not necessarily mean you don't have 'it', and a positive test does not necessarily mean you have 'it'.... WHY all the testing????!!!!!
    This is an IQ test people
    Wake up

  36. They’ve just reported that the tests in Florida were wrong by 10 fold meaning infections are below 10 percent vs the 100 percent they stated

  37. 1242 - maybe not the immediate death potential but the long term effects to heart/lungs could/would be worse than the "normal" flu.

    It will take years to figure this out, along with studies, etc. Next Geners are/will figure it out.

  38. "Its no worse than the flu"....yep you are a moron.

  39. Its a big takeover.....under Trump and the GOP Senate's watch. Go figure.

  40. Sorry 2:27 but Next Geners (millennials) have so far proven that they are too stupid to figure ANYTHING out.

    Their votes are what is behind the turning of this country into a 3rd world shit hole.

  41. Let this disease spread to everyone. If everyone gets infected and builds a natural immunity or dies who cares? This will be the omly way to work through this until a so-called vaccine is invented.

  42. I protest often and never get sick but you won’t catch me outside dining. Not safe.

  43. Jolly Roger packed today


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