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Tuesday, June 16, 2020

‘You’re Not a Journalist Brian, You’re an Activist!” – WOW! – Trump Senior Legal Advisor Destroys CNN’s Brian Stelter after Nasty Insult (VIDEO)

Brilliant and talented Senior Legal Advisor to the Trump Campaign, Jenna Ellis, joined CNN’s Brian Stelter on Sunday Morning on Reliable Sources.

Poor Brian was completely outmatched with the brilliant and talented Trump associate.

During their discussion Stelter complained about the term “fake news” and then got personal when he told Ellis that she would regret using “slurs” when her kids and grandkids see this one day.
What a jerk!

That’s when Jenna fired back: “Oh, now you’re going for the personal attacks. That’s when you know you’ve lost the debate… C’mon, that’s really low, Brian. You’re not trying to do your job. You’re not a journalist, Brian, you’re an activist!”



  1. Good for her! About time someone puts the Left Fake News in their place!

  2. ❤️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️

  3. Oh no Brian, you're an activist. How dare you want equality.

    1. 1:42 Brian’s not an activist he is a panderer.

  4. And that's a bad thing?

    1. When you are pretending to be a journalist, it is.

    2. It is when you’re getting paid to report facts 🤷‍♀️

  5. It's Bo Jiden again. I want to hmmm uhhh talk about err mmmm activists. I like uhhhh mmmm actors and ummmm smellin the hairs on uhhh mmm actresses. Uhhh little ones... uh you know, ummm chldren...ive a watched uhhh mmm movies and uhhh uhhh stuff. Uhhh they had writing on uhhh the screen uhhhhh before sound. The writing was uhhh in errr japanese. I hmmm couldn't read it. So uhhh vote for mmm me for actor of uhhh the year

  6. Stelter is the kind of guy you'd leave at a gas station during a road trip.

  7. She was being nice. Shelter deserved more.

  8. Don’t know and never seen the fat f...., but love that lady.


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