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Friday, June 12, 2020

‘You won’t need to abolish us – we won’t be around for it’: Why I and many of my colleagues are quitting as US police officers

Travis Yates is a serving police commander in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He is a doctoral student in Strategic Leadership, a graduate of the FBI National Academy, and the author of "The Courageous Police Leader: A Survival Guide for Combating Cowards, Chaos & Lies”. This article was first published on lawofficer.com

The nasty words we, the police, get called all the time have now turned into rocks, bottles and gunfire. It’s over, America: we are leaving.

This is the hardest thing I have written.

I grew up in a law enforcement family. My father worked his way up to the rank of Captain at the Fort Smith, Arkansas, Police Department. As a kid I remember going with him on Friday to pick up his check and I was in awe of these super heroes he worked around.

My dad sacrificed a lot and so did my late mother. Whether it was the week-long surveillance or wiretap or chasing drug runners across the country, he gave it all for my family and worked plenty of extra details to never let our family be without. Some would call that privilege but where I grew up, it was called hard work.



  1. Patriots,

    buy Guns , Ammo and food

    without cops....

    the natives will dance and riot your areas

  2. The elites are steering everything that happens. Nothing is left to chance. Not in 2020. Things are much different now compared to all other dynasties. This one has technological weapons never used before. The population doesn’t have a chance.

    They checkmated us. They created chaos. They will provide the order.

    But not until we beg them for it.
    Until then, we will have a taste of what they have done to other countries. Utter destruction.

    The Phoenix will rise from the ash heap of Amerika.

  3. As Joe Biden puts it, "Show me a Board and I'll show you someone to hire to work on that Board". Did it his entire tenure as a Delaware Senator as well as 8 years in the Whitehouse.

    His biggest accomplishment is his Frequent AMTRAK miles.

  4. Local academy is down by 34 percent before the riots. 60 percent of instructors are not coming back now and the academy will go to one or two staff instructors and contract others. Most will probably be non law enforcement Background and will teaching out of a book with out any experience or the smell of death stuck in their heads. I feel sorry for the unfortunate people who think they don’t need them. Those are ALWAYS the guys that do.. 10 years on the job with rank of sgt and little ot 10k a month is what most people are making and walking away to take a half pension...

  5. Why don't you pull up your PINK PANTIES and get to work instead of crying about how hard you worked .You act like this has not hurt anyone but you get real.


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