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Saturday, June 20, 2020

Where is the lib outrage, Steven Colbert (2014)


  1. Yeah they have been crickets on this just like they are on Howard Stern #Hypocrites.

  2. Google Howard stern in blackface.

  3. Never heard of him

  4. He is Jewish so he gets permission.
    You guys have a lot to learn about the mind control operation in Hollywood.

  5. whoopi and the females on the view will give him a pass. He's a comedian, trying to get a laugh.

  6. Colbert is a racist and Trump hater and makes no attempt to hide it, his supporters are the media and celebrities. He isn't even funny without politics on his plate instead of real jokes he has no show. All his guests are Democrats past and present, and celebrities. He pushes all their books interviews, and one liners they feed to the press. Only in the case of Biden their is silence, he can't make fun of him so he says nothing.

  7. Replies
    1. Radio shock jock...used to be on DC 101 a LONG time ago, then made national syndication. "Famous" for farting on air.

  8. he thinks he is someone just spittin

  9. How about Jimmy Fallon. He was caught doing the same thing. So now as punishment he is going to take the summer off to "reflect." Didn't they fire Megan somebody at Fox for even talking about doing blackface?

  10. I thought he was funny when he first started at Comedy Central, and now I can't stand him. His jokes, if he has any are not at all funny.

    He's become too much a Trump hater and a political mouthpiece for the Democrat party.

  11. Colbert used to have some biting and witty political commentary, but now it's all one-note and smarmy rehashes of Orange Man Bad comedic desperation.

  12. Looks like Governor of Virginia !!!

  13. That's Schiff in congress !!!


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