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Monday, June 22, 2020

What The Left Won’t Tell You About The History Of Slavery


  1. No one paid it any mind. Christians were already familiar with Jews enslaved in Egypt and bought into the Exodus Myth. Didn't they think this would haunt them too ?

  2. Funny how historical facts and context can blow up a fabricated narrative

  3. Africans sold by Africans, without any concern for their future. That's the non-fiction story line. Once they got to a destination somewhere in the New World conditions varied.

    Obama's mother was descended from MD slave owners; his reputed father from Arab slave traders.

    Biden VP possibility Kamel Harris' father's family owned slaves in Jamaica.

    Democrats were slavers then and now; chains are now EBT cards.

  4. KKK Democrats ( Hippocrits ) were the Slave Owners & Masters !!!!

  5. Biden would have Loved being a slave Master !!!! He would have the kids all for himself !!!


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