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Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Charles McAndrew
June 14 at 12:55 PM

If our Government cannot protect our memorials than their protection falls to us, the Veterans who fought for this country.
These memorials are there to Honor our Brothers in Arms who made the Ultimate Sacrifice. We owe them more than we can repay! The least we Veterans can do is protect these memorials.
Who is with me?


  1. America is dying. It is unbelievable that 13% of Americans can cause this tyranny. How do you like those participation trophies now you liberal freaks?

  2. We need to protect and respect these memorials before the US becomes a total Communist Country.

  3. Many of us are.

  4. This is a sad time, pain inflicted on many by a few, a period of treason and treachery. They will not prevail.

  5. 8:29 PM - It's being done by far, far fewer than that, and it's not even all who you think. We are being terrorized across the nation by a few hundred thousand radicals of all flavors who do actual damage and incite others to do more. We are being had into thinking this is race war, or needs to be one, when the fear should be directed at how small and timid they want us to become.

  6. Northwest Woodsman: I’m always here and ready if a real movement begins. However, as with the Jedburg teams in France with the resistance, security was a serious problem and the teams were infiltrated by Nazi sympathizers. We would have the same issues.

  7. My God!! We've become a third world country.... or worse!!

  8. Make certain nothing happens tor the MLK statue in DC !!

  9. This is not the 13%. In every video I have seen so far when they are toppling statues more than half the crowd is white. Some of them even look all white.

    1. Post a link. Everybody knows that's BS, including you.

  10. It is Antifa and it is planned “rules for radicals” sal alinski

  11. Northwest Woodsman yeah alright, go capture some govt building in Montana with Y'all Qeada.

  12. start cutting their government assistance to pay for it.

  13. Northwest Woodsman, Shut Up! Time to do some self Policing my Veteran Friends!


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