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Monday, June 15, 2020

Well Said

History is not there for you to like or dislike. It is there for you to learn from it. And if it offends you, even better. Because then you are less likely to repeat it. It’s not yours to erase or destroy. It belongs to all of us!


  1. 👍👍👏👏!!

  2. It's not our issue that they are to dumb to understand it

  3. Any black with a brain would find the removal of any of the confederate monuments offensive. It's just another in a long line of gestures meant to appease. They seem very happy with just appeasement as opposed to results because they keep on voting for the appeasers. It's the democrats latest in throwing the blacks a bone.
    biden and the rest of the democrats are talking around "reforms" biden's has had almost 50 years for "reforms." The only "reform" he made was the 94 Crime Bill which President Trump had to fix. Now that President Trump and the Republicans are making real reform in the black communities and trying to revitalize them the democrats are on the war path. This is why the democrat mayors let the black communities burn during the riots. They aren't about to let the black communities become prosperous because of Republican policy.

  4. Can't fix stupid - eh there Rickie Beerinhan!

  5. History is written by men much like the Bible. It reinforces the status Quo of it's age and time and tends to be the tenement of those that it benefits and those dependent on them. It's not real at all. Just fables. Everyone ends up in the grave with nothing.

  6. Destroying history is what Stalin, Po Pot and Mao Tse Tung did.

    Ask these young idiots who those people were and you get blank stares.

  7. So basically.... we can take history out of all schools? I mean ...obviously what I was taught in elementary school...high school...and college was a big waste of time. Unbelievable!

  8. Less likely to repeat if you have sense enough to understand. Many don't want to and continue to place their hand out for theirs.

    Thats called learned behavior AS well as societal permanent placement. Acceptance of one's surroundings and never doing anything about it.


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