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Tuesday, June 09, 2020



  1. Yeah Jake are you ???

  2. SHE is too much of a 😹 to do that.

  3. Maybe Molly and her crew should ask him.

  4. Defund the Mayor's Office!

  5. How about a statement on Jerome Jackson's racist graffiti plea you knee jerk panderer.

  6. If he disbands the City Police we would start to get the real Crime numbers from the Sheriff's office...

  7. Are you really being deployed and if so what's the date? Need to know if this is for real and no bull.

  8. This chicken s**t will never tell you while he's still in the country. He'll wait til he's far away in Africa to let that be known.


  9. From the budget proposal they will be defunded. First step is no more pepperoni on the pizza for major savings.

  10. These pictures just crack me up whenever i see them...lol. He is some kind of POS and he sure as hel is not any kind of soldier. I guess they do have paper shufflers...smh...mho

  11. Hey, that's probably not a bad thing. Let Wicomico County handle the corrupt Salisbury Police Department.

  12. Ask Jack Heath and Manure Boda as well. They have to cut or confirm his budget.

  13. He's been refunding the department since he's been in office. He's been reallocating money from ALL departments to fund his freak festival.

  14. He's been refunding the department since he's been in office. He's been reallocating money from ALL departments to fund his freak festival.

  15. Why do you all think you need a police force? Supreme court already ruled they are not here to protect you. Do you think an increase in police is associated with less crime? If you were to increase funding 75% verse decrease funding 75% you think the guy holding up wawa at 4am cares? The drug addict cares? What is your obsession with needing police to protect you? Better yet on how many occasions in your life did a police officer save your life or protect you? People are obsessed with the police protecting when they willingly admit they are not here to protect you. Mind boggling.

    1. Agree. Also the gun they carry is to protect them not you. But don't get me wrong I'm not for defunding but I absolutely am for retraining them.

    2. I hope they do defund the police so you can be target practice.

    3. You better PRAY they ain't defunded.

    4. I always wondered why after 911 police forces were given military equipment and hiring was out of control? I agree with all the increase in equipment and manpower crime has not dropped.

  16. Just get rid of the unions.Unions have NO PLACE in public employment.

    Keep the cops. Get rid of the unions.

  17. He already defunded the entire city with his crappy construction, so why not.

  18. C'mon Jake we want you to defund SPD🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈

  19. We need law and order. Police are needed. Someone steals your car - who do you call. Your child is missing - who do you call. Someone just broke into your home - well you get the picture. We need police. I respect Police Officers. It is not a job I would want and am very grateful that someone does. Funding, training, etc are a necessity and should be determined by the size of your community and community needs. Yes, we all have had a some dealings with Police - whether a traffic ticket or questioning - but - that does not give you the right to decide they are not needed. Thank God for our police.

    1. Doesnt give you the right to decide they are needed.

  20. With that look on his face, he must have seen his boyfriend across the plaza. Just an old pretty boy. Wait did he get his teeth fixed? Now he can start on the rest of that girlish figure. What a jerk, hope he likes Africa so much that he never comes back to Salisbury. Just a really big POS.

  21. Salisbury taxpayers cannot continue to provide policing with out County assistance. Wicomico County will not assist. This is the basis of tax differential

  22. Check deposed wife not living with him when her trial date is that's when he'll disappear and it won't be deployment it will be some nice vacation spot till Liz gets her trial and he can return. Mom and Dad will pay for it just like sending wife #1 to Bethesda in a new home.


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