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Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Virginia Government Proposes Draconian Workplace Regulations

Still operating under the authority of emergency power related to the Wuhan coronavirus pandemic, Virginia Governor Ralph Northam (D) and his administration have proposed sweeping new regulations for all employers and employees in the state.

Announcing an emergency meeting for this Wednesday, the governor's Safety and Heath Board laid out new, far-reaching regulations ostensibly meant to protect workers in the food preparations and health care industries. However, the extensive proposition of new rules and regulations spell out major hurdles for all Virginia businesses, including office work and retail, attempting to re-open.

With the force of state emergency powers behind him, Gov. Northam possesses the ability to make these rules law with a simple signature. Comments from concerned residents and business owners will be closed by Monday evening and the full force of the regulations could be implemented on Wednesday. The laws do not automatically vanish when the emergency phase is lifted or if the threat of COVID-19 infection is greatly diminished either.

Among the list of new proposed laws, which would be in addition to, not a replacement of, current laws, is a requirement of all Virginia employers and employees to wear face coverings at all times, with no exceptions. Though facial coverings in businesses have been required since the end of May throughout the state, exceptions were made for contracted and sub-contracted employees. Under new proposed regulations, this will no longer be the case.

Full employer access to employee medical records and past "hazard communication" would also be required under the proposed regulations.

Poultry processing employers are singled out specifically in the 200+ page regulation proposal, saying that all employees must be temperature screened every day. Any employee who failed said temperature check, which is not defined in the legislation, would be sent home with full pay.

This proposal, as the Poultry Federation pointed out, does not take into account the unreliability of temperature screenings considering that high temperatures have many causes and infected persons may not even have an elevated temperature.

Whether the Commonwealth should require employers to screen their workers with temperature checks given this limited utility, while also considering the risk to the temperature taker, may ultimately be beneficial, but it is a decision that should be made in the ordinary rulemaking process where all available facts and viewpoints can be reviewed in a considered manner.



  1. This whole mess is just a setup for taking the mark of the beast..the technologly exsists today to track your every move, dollar and soon your health, see how many jump in line.

  2. Well....things are definitely different in our America.

  3. Remember when you couldn't enter a business place wearing a mask?

  4. Elections have consequences.

    Never EVER elect a dumbocrat to anything ever again.

  5. This is outrageous. Access to your Medical records. Why did we sign numberous amount of paperwork just to let our families have access to our medical records. That is a Federal law. Now VA wants access to your records. This idiot has got to go. Where are your civil rights. White people are losing their rights daily.

  6. This 200+ document is garbage. It's not worth the paper it is printed on. Do you really want your employer to have access to your Medical records. Imagine what your employer could do with that info. VA can't even control it's crime rate - murder in VA Beach tourist area just last night. What about OC? Seattle? DC? Democrats are destroying America. Get out and vote because the virus is not the only thing to fear. God bless America.

  7. Good bye Virginia, Welcome to Maryland!!!! I told you, but you didn't care!!!

  8. "all Virginia employers and employees to wear face coverings at all times, with no exceptions. "

    I thought that the only face covering Northram knew about was blackface.

  9. Hell no with hello MD. Folks are leaving MD if they can. Taxes are killing us all!

    1. 9:09 am. That's why I left Fruitland. The money I am saving by doing so is unbelievable. I should have left earlier.

  10. and the sheep follow.

  11. Hey Virginians, that invitation from WV still stands!

  12. 11:39 am. West Virginia has been given a bad rap. I'm sure there are areas that are bad but just off 270 interstate - fist exit in West Virginia is beautiful. Need to check it out. One step away from MD to WV.

  13. 134 - and thats the part of WV we neighbors (MD/VA) enjoy. The rest of WV does deserve the unfavorable rap. Plus there is a reason why Western portion of VA did leave....which the rest of VA agreed upon.

    (snicker snicker)

  14. Get Democrats OUT of Virginia !!!!


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